Saturday, August 31, 2019
Christian Evaluation of Current Approaches Essay
In the book â€Å"Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation of Current Approaches†, Banks, Robert and Bernice Ledbetter try to portray the process of leadership and discuss its theological aspects from Christian perspective. The authors actually consider different subjects and information related to different fields to draw a proper conclusion. Moreover throughout their book they also attempt to ensure that everything worth discussing has been discussed giving proper importance to all issues of the society. First of all the authors emphasize that the subject of leadership is a very important topic worth discussing and they explore this topic from different view points. The book comprises of six important chapters. The first chapter is about the growing interest in leadership in present days. In this chapter the authors start from the very beginning making the readers aware of different related definitions, causes and many important issues. In the second chapter the authors describe the different Biblical perspectives of the leadership. In this chapter they also discuss other past and existing perspectives and try to provide the readers the changing scenario of leadership and the ministries of the common people. In the third chapter they describe different emerging concepts including religious extent of leadership. At this context the authors help the readers to believe the fact that religious practices may help to produce people who will substantially respect the norms of the civilized society. In the fourth chapter the authors vividly describe the different popular approaches to leadership. Apart from the popular approaches, different approaches to leadership which are based on the faith of the people are also discussed in this part of the book. In the next chapter, one of the most important topics, the different ways of performing leadership have been discussed. In this regard the authors mention that a leader must be very honest to the common people in his or her job of leadership. Moreover the process of leadership should be carried on with veracity, truthfulness to the common people whom they represent and nevertheless the leaders must serve the common people with honesty. In the sixth and final chapter the authors describe the implementation and the different consequences of Christian leadership through analyzing some cases including the cases of Frank Buchman, Soren Kierkegaard who were leading figure in contemporary views. According to the authors, the book is â€Å"†¦a fruit of biblical investigation and reflection on our own experiences. †1 Actually, in the opinion of the writers, the book is based on the contemporary writings of different people and conclusions made by analyzing the lives of some exemplary Christian leaders. Above all the important conclusion, derived from the book, is that the leadership is all about the overall betterment of all people of the society and not for the improvement of a particular group of people of society. The interrelationship between religion and politics becomes more intricate in present days but one thing which can’t be denied that both religion and politics are for the complete improvement of the society and for reducing the sufferings of common people irrespective of their social stature. So far what we have discussed leads to the fact that true leadership in proper implementation of ministries or setting up a religious system by motivating a large number of people can be of great help to develop a nation. 1. Banks, Robert and Bernice Ledbetter, Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation of Current Approaches (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2004), 11.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Xcom/285 Business Writing Portfolio
Business Writing Portfolio Mea Greenidge September 26, 2010 XCOM/285 Essentials of Managerial Communication Axia College The writing skills and techniques learned in my Essentials of Managerial Communication class can and will benefit me in my future classes as well as in my career in many ways. A few of the skills learned are including, but not limited to the appropriate ways of communicating depending on the audience, e-mail and business letter writing etiquette and also the importance of unbiased speaking in the workplace.It is important to have been taught these skills as I now know that there are many changes that need to be made to my future business plan and even in my current work day. I can use the skills that I was taught to give efficient business lectures and presentations. The class also taught me the importance of appropriate introductions and closing. Within this lesson I learned that every presentation should be altered based on the type of audience to whom it will be presented to as a presenter can easily lose his or her audience if the presentation is not created specifically for that audience.Another lesson in the Essentials of Managerial Communication class discussed the proper ways to begin business writing. It is important to have business writing mapped out and clearly thought out before one even begins writing. A writing map or outline can be used as a guide for a writer so that he or she may effectively include all the necessary information needed within the writing.In my future endeavors as a wife, mother, daughter, student, employee and future business woman, I will take the skills learned from this communications class and apply them in any way possible as these skills are skills that will only push me further down the road to success within my business. [pic] NOTICE OF CHANGE IN BUSINESS HOURS Effective SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 In an effort to preserve fuel and energy and due to the slowing economy, Effective September 1, 2010, Dress for A ll will be changing its store hours to Monday-Saturday opening at 10am and closing at 9pm. MemorandumTo:ALL COMPANY EMPLOYEES CC:ALL MANAGERS From:PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER Date:9/26/2010 Re:NOTICE OF CHANGE OF BUSINESS HOURS Effective September 1, 2010, Dress for All will be changing its store hours to Monday-Saturday opening at 10am and closing at 9pm. As a result of this change all employee work hours will be changing as well. In the coming weeks full time employees’ work schedule will be converted to a four day work week/ ten hour work day. For all part time employees, schedules will be converted to a 1, 2, or 3 day work week depending on the average number of hours worked.There will NOT be a change in compensation at this time. Thank you all for your continued hark work and cooperation regarding this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact your immediate supervisor. Regards, Mea Greenidge Public Relations Manager Confidential E-MAIL To: STORE M ANAGERS CC:OWNERS From:PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER Date:9/26/2010 Re:NOTICE OF CHANGE IN BUSINESS HOURS Managers, As you all may be aware the cost of gas has been rising immensely and in an effort to lower operations cost, Dress For All will be changing its store hours.The new store hours will be Monday-Saturday opening at 10am and closing at 9pm. As a result of the change in the business hours, there will also be a change in employee work hours. In the coming weeks full time employees work schedule will be converted to a four day work week/ ten hour work day. For all part time employees, schedule will be converted to a 1,2, or 3 day work week depending on the average number of hours worked. The change may be difficult to adjust to for some of the employees, so it will be your jobs as managers to assist and work with them as much as possible during the transition.The employees will be notified of the change within the next week and will be directed to their immediate supervisors with a ny questions or concerns that they may have. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at any time. Regards, Mea Greenidge Public Relations Manager Many companies have implemented the benefit of tuition reimbursement. Tuition reimbursement benefits both the employer and the employee. Our company has approved a budget plan for the expansion of tuition reimbursement for those employees seeking a bachelor’s degree in business and communication.In most cases, companies begin determining whether or not to implement tuition assistance and/or tuition reimbursement during the developmental stages of the company’s benefit package. Other companies wait for the success of the company to begin rolling, and then decide to provide additional benefits for its employees. Offering tuition assistance to employees seeking a bachelor’s degree in business and communication, will qualify employees for new internal professional opportunities. Having employees with bache lor’s degree in business and communications will also benefit the company both financially and socially.Business Communications degree programs teach students important skills they'll need to work in the communications-dependent world of business. Students come out of Business Communications programs ready to write, speak in public, schmooze with clients and do everything else it takes to work as communications managers, public relations specialists, technical writers and more. â€Å"People who complete a business communication program are qualified for a wide range of careers and work in a multitude of industries; a wide variety of industries require the skills and expertise gained in business communication degree program.People working in this field are responsible for constructing, disseminating and evaluating different types of communications, including press releases, e-mails, television commercials, print ads, business reports, conferences and websites. †(Babcoc k, 2009) Companies with internal business and communication degree recipients are able to complete tasks internally and for a fraction of the normal cost, which another company would have to seek an external company to perform the job. This will prove its self tremendously in the marketing department.Many companies are at times forced to seek additional resources when trying to market their company and/or products. Implementing the addition of tuition reimbursement to our employee benefits, will lessor the number of times we have to call outside sources, and provide us with more internal resources for marketing and public relations. According to the University of Phoenix, â€Å"The Bachelor of Science in Business with a concentration in Communications promotes the knowledge and skills needed for effective communication within the business environment. Giving employees the option to higher their education to completing their bachelor’s degree in business and communication not only builds additional rapport between the employee and employer, but it also gives the employer the opportunity to create new positions based on the capabilities of the current employees. In addition to the perks, rewards and benefits received from the current position, having a bachelor’s degree in business and communication will boost ones earnings potential tremendously, which will ultimately boost the earning potential of the company in which they are employed. The monetary value of a college degree is hard to dispute. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, adults aged 18 and older holding a bachelor's degree earned an average of $51,544 in 2004, compared with an average of $28,645 earned by those with a high school diploma–or about 73% more. Multiplied over the course of a lifetime, that could translate into a difference in income of hundreds of thousands of dollars. †(Value of a College Degree) Take public relations specialist for example, â€Å"Median a nnual earnings for public relations specialists were $43,830 in 2004.Communications professionals involved in advertising and related services had salaries of $50,450 in the same year. †Therefore, the earning potential of individuals seeking a bachelor’s degree in business and communications will increase immensely following the completion of the program. Not only will the employees who take advantage of the newly implemented benefit of tuition reimbursement see an increase in their earning potential, they will also see an increase of different positions within a business that they now qualify for.The of the different careers people with a bachelor’s degree in business and communications include but are not limited to, a Public Relations Specialists, Technical Writers, and Communications Managers. â€Å"Graduates of Business Communications bachelor's degree programs generally have better employment opportunities than students who graduate from associate program s. †(Education-Portal) Competition within the field of business communications is particularly high at the entry-level, and the number of qualified applicants usually exceeds the number of job openings available.Employments for a business communication degree regiments is expected to grow faster than average to 2014, as the demand for professional and it's skilled candidates grows with the competitive business industry. As previously stated, having internal employees with the capabilities of the above mentioned job titles will benefit the company in multiple ways including being able to complete different task without being required to hire an outside company or individual. In most cases, businesses are able to tilize individuals with a degree in Business and Communications, to Draft press releases, contact people in the media, prepare speeches, conduct presentations, make film presentations, slideshows, and compile media kits. Putting together reports, articles, and news sto ries are also among the many things that can be done. When our company expands or employee benefits, adding tuition reimbursement for those seeking a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Communications will ultimately only provide positive benefits for our company and its employees.With the skills and training learned in the Business and Communications program, our employees will be able to boost our marketing and public relations department as well as our technical support and information systems department. In addition, with the conflict management and strong writing skills learned employees will also be able to assist in the employee relations department if needed. Adding tuition reimbursement for those seeking a Bachelor’s degree in business and communications will ultimately be another step forward in our company’s journey to success. References Babcock, Pamela. 2009. Always More to Learn. †HRMagazine 54, no. 9: 51. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost (access ed September 14, 2010). Education-Portal. com  © copyright 2003-2010 Education-Portal. com. All other trademarks and Copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. â€Å"Tuition Reimbursement and More. †Connection: The Journal of the New England Board of Higher Education 19, no. 1 (Summer2004 2004): 21. Professional Development Collection, EBSCOhost (accessed September 14, 2010). â€Å"Value of a College Degree. †Facts On File: Issues & Controversies, EBSCOhost (accessed September 26, 2010).
Can Technology Dehumanize Our Society Essay
Technology can dehumanize our society including our school/s. Its because in the advancement and modernization of things which to be manipulated by the people(gadgets etc. ), life has to be somehow be convenient and easier but we should also look on the side that technology can remove skills and qualities of people in dealing with things around them and they won’t find any alternatives or options if technology is always present. For instance, in school/s, particularly in a classroom setting, if all of the students have their own personal computers, they will rely and be much independent through visiting websites that could provide answers on their research given by their teacher, the negative result of this is that, yes, they surely easily access information by just clicking one at a time but the traditional way of finding and acquiring information from books(more accurate information than those of the websites) or any reading materials that could somehow develop their reading skills is already gone. Indolence and laziness may occur also. The negative result of technology is that people will just have to sit all day long and will have to be dependent on technology. As i’ve heard also, some people are just infront of their laptops having this†online schooling†and if you could accomplish the length of time needed, you’ll be having/ given a diploma . For me, of course it isn’t bad but the essence of formal schooling(attending school. being evaluated and monitored by a mentor is already gone). Despite of all the advancement of technology, we became a society of indolent people relying so much on it.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2
Case Study Example There are a number of products and approaches for acquiring systems, starting from ‘in house development’ to ‘commercial off-the-shelf’ packages. At Power IT, the chief executive officer and finance director decided to purchase an ‘Enterprise Resource Solution’ to replace the ‘Material Resource Planning (MRPII). The Organization has its own internal IT system; however, the staffs are not capable enough to develop software at a large scale. The employees lack sufficient application domain knowledge which will enable them to develop such a system within the required timescale. Therefore, the company has decided to ‘buy in’ expertise, rather than putting large scale development into risk. After evaluating the level of required knowledge within the employees, the Organization has opted for ‘3rd party modified off-the shelf solution’ system. In this system, the software expertise and the application domain expertise ar e quite high. As the whole software includes large and complicated application; so surely, the ‘Third party modified off the shelf solution’ system is required to enjoy higher end of expertise in software development and in application domain of the same. A ‘Modified off the shelf’ product typically refers to a product or system whose source code can be modified by the purchaser to meet the requirements of the consumers (Information Leader, â€Å"Introduction†). â€Å"Many of these products feature modifiable or modular designs which increase flexibility, facilitate rapid prototyping of proof-of-concept designs, and are easy to install to insure quick start-up†(Cyber Research, â€Å"MOTS/ROTS Products†). By minimizing the requirement to develop new products from its scratch, the Organization can save on huge information technology expenses. However, to modify the codes as per the requirements of the consumers, demands some amount of ex pertise in this arena. This is why the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
EIP assignment shopaholic Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
EIP shopaholic - Assignment Example Contemporary culture manifests a shopaholic as a maniac whose behavior is irrational. The research seeks to find out whether a shopaholic is really an irrational character. This is possible through examining the factors that re responsible for the making of a shopaholic. Since this is a social issue, the research shall only deal with secondary data. This is because secondary data is highly likely to employ qualitative analysis in assessing such a phenomenon. This occurs because such an issue requires multiple perspectives in drawing a conclusion. Secondary data, in this sense, traverses articles and books assessing the issue in terms of sociological, economical, business, and psychological perspectives. Secondary data will seek to inform the audience whether excessive shopping is a natural behavior or whether the same is an irrational habit. In turn, the data analysis shall occur qualitatively. This book seeks to analyze the predispositions for shopping as well as provide solutions for the behavior. In this sense, the author examines compulsive buying as a problem rather than as a mere phenomenon. The author explains shopping mania as a habit that develops to cure a different psychological need rather arise to satisfy the actual need of shopping. The text, therefore, manifests over-shopping as a means of distracting oneself from dealing with an essential emotional need such as love. Alternatively, it could be a means of gaining the attention of others if the involved person feels that others do not care about one. Besides, over-shopping could be a product of low self-esteem if the victim engages in impulsive purchases to feel important about oneself (Benson 14). The book, therefore, recommends mindful shopping as a means of countering this problem. It highlights the essence of financial security as a means of leading an enjoyable life in the end. The book entails the philo sophical arguments of merging the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Analyse article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Analyse article - Essay Example Schaper further argues that in a competitive market environment effective and efficient firms survive while the inefficient businesses collapse. Considering the remarks by the president of Toyota Company, the business may have faced serious competition from other vehicle manufacturers in Australia such as Elfin Sports Cars Pty Ltd, Ford Performance Vehicles, and GM Holden Ltd as well as competition in the export markets of other countries that offer favorable vehicle manufacturing conditions. Another factor that contributed to the decision by Toyota Company is high cost of production attributed to the high labor costs (BBC News Business 10 February 2014). Under normal circumstances, the cost of production in an organization is usually lower giving enough room for profit realization when products are sold. However, the Toyota Company based in Australia experienced reduction in profits and eventually loses in the production of vehicles due to the increased production cost. The company tried to solve the problem of increased labor costs through proposed changes in employee contracts that would have resulted in removal of additional allowances and changes in overtime (BBC News Business 10 February 2014) but the implementation was blocked in a Federal Court. The other critical factor that contributed to the decision by Toyota Company is lack of government support. According to Ch et al., government policies have both positive and negative impacts on businesses operating in the country in question (2011, p.941). In the case of Toyota Company, the impacts of policy changes by Australian government left the company with negative business effects. To begin with, a national commission recommended to the government that subsidies that were initially given to the car manufacturing industry should be stopped and that the companies should device ways of cutting down the production cost (BBC News Business 10 February 2014). Secondly, the proposed changes on employee
Monday, August 26, 2019
CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW IN HEALTH CARE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW IN HEALTH CARE - Essay Example The stakeholders own the corporation. They do not participate in the daily company operations, although they influence corporate major decisions. They also vote for and remove the BOD members from office. Finally, the stakeholders also take part in constituting and amending company by laws, Articles of Incorporation. They also handle mergers and any sales and dissolutions. Corporate authority is categorized into express and implied. According to Pozgar, â€Å"Express corporate authority is the power specifically delegated by statute. A health care corporation derives authority to act with from the laws of the state in which it is incorporated. The articles of incorporation set forth the purpose(s) of the corporation’s existence and the powers the corporation is authorized to exercise in order to carry out its purposes. Implied corporate authority is the right to perform any and all acts necessary to exercise a corporation’s expressly conferred authority and to accomplish the purpose(s) for which it is created.†How do corporations come into play in the delivery of healthcare services? Health care organisations are incorporated as non profit corporations, thus they are exempted from the taxation bracket and are open to receive donor’s contributions. In the delivery of health care services, corporations ensure that they follow the stated mandate and incorporation by laws. Else, the governing body would be held accountable for not performing procedures in its written scope, which is an ultra vires act. An example of this would be employing someone who is not conversant with the health care practice. How do corporate ethics impact healthcare? They build and restore trust in the system. People are trusting health care facilities in how they operate, treat patients, how they inform their patients on their rights and responsibilities and the procedures to follow in the event of improper conduct. Corporate ethics has also
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Crittaclly Describe and Analyse the world Top Ten Airports of the Essay
Crittaclly Describe and Analyse the world Top Ten Airports of the Civil Aviation Industry - Essay Example The airport was once the largest airport in America before Atlanta airport took over the first place. The O’Hare International Airport has four terminals with a combined number of an astounding 182 gates. The airport runs over 50 different airlines and has a positive feedback from its customers. This is indeed one the largest and the oldest airports of human history. The airport was created in 1923 and in 1949 it was named Chicago Midway airport from its previous name of Chicago Municipal airport. This is the second largest airport in the Chicago areas and the second busiest in the state of Illinois after Chicago’s OHare International Airport. The number of travelers that passed through Midway was 17,340,497 in2008. The airport is the 30th busiest airport in the Unites States. The airport has an over eighty years of top quality service, with only 21 accidents. The last tragedy took place almost thirty four years ago in 1976. The airport has 43 gates in total. Southwest airline is still their dominant service which controls 28 of these 43 gates. The two main players in the Chicago IL area are as mentioned Midway and O’Hare. According to the financial statements issued by Chicago city airport system, O’Hare saw 75 million customers and Midway as many as 19 million customers. If we analyze the market share in terms of customer base than we can say that the market share of O’Hare is almost 79%. There are a many other smaller airports in the area with negligible market share. The industry is owned and run by the city council. The mayor of Chicago is the person in charge and has delegated operational authority to John A. Roberson who is the Commissioner in Chicago’s Department of Aviation. The airport has two types of customers. The primary customers are the travelers. They use the facilities being provided by Chicago IL airport system such as restaurants, lodging and restrooms. The main
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 12
Research - Essay Example g is an issue that need to be tackled holistically by all people and the relevant authorities without blaming each other for the current worsening conditions. Technically, global warming is a problem that emanates from the presence of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This acts as a blanket which traps heat, thereby warming the planet. Other gases such as methane and nitrous oxide have the same effect. Therefore, burning of coal, oil, and natural gas for energy leads to accumulation of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Scientific evidence indicate that an increase in global average temperature by 3.6 (F) poses a major risk to the natural systems and the existence of the human beings (Smith 18). Scientists have discovered that methane is mainly released by landfills and various agricultural practices such as use of nitrous oxide from fertilizers. In addition the gas is released through both industrial and refrigeration processes. Greenhouse gas emission is one of the major causes of global warming; global warming, thus, results from the greenhouse effect. The latter involves a process through which the emission and absorption of infrared radiation through the gases in the earth’s atmosphere, which warms the lower atmosphere and the surface of the earth (Smith 26). On the surface of the earth, the naturally occurring greenhouse gases have a mean warming effect of approximately 59˚F. Without the existence of the Earth’s atmosphere, the average temperature on the planet would be lowered to the freezing point. The major greenhouse gases exist in terms of water vapor that results in about 30-70% of the greenhouse effect, which leads to global warming. Scientists have pointed out that carbon dioxide causes 10-25%; methane causes 5-10%; and the ozone causes 3-8% of the greenhouse effects. Scientists have also pointed out that human activity that began during the times of Industrial Revolution in the United States and Western Europe increased the level
Friday, August 23, 2019
Televised Presidential Debate (10-3-12) Assignment
Televised Presidential Debate (10-3-12) - Assignment Example (2) About how many people attended the meeting? Describe the audience demographics. This event drew an immense number of audience members. Unlike a private event, this debate was aired live, on multiple networks, allowing for, easily, millions of viewers. The demographics of the audience of this event are as diverse as the country we live in. Americans of all genders, races, political parties, and ideologies were tuned in to view this debate. (3) What was the main topic of the meeting? The topic of the debate was announced as domestic policy. Lehrer explained that there would be, ideally, six segments of 15 minutes in length, with 2 minute responses from each candidate. Three segments would focus on the economy; one segment would be dedicated to healthcare, role of government, and the last on the meaning of â€Å"governing.†I choice this event, particularly, because of it is so very important. There are issues being discussed that are so incredibly relevant to the future of t his country that it is an event deserving of critical attention. This is, also, again, the first debate where these two candidates would be debating these issues face-to-face in an open forum. There are a lot of important questions that need asking, issues that need addressing, and answers that the voters deserve to hear. (4) Why did you choose this meeting, and what did you know about the topic before you attended? There is nothing more politically important in the United States of America than when we choose the leadership that we have. Where to cast your vote should never be a small issue and tends to involve many specific variables. Individuals must assess their political concerns; review the prospective candidates, their personal beliefs and views, and ever so much more, before they make their choice. It is all the harder today with the cut throat nature of the campaign tactics, being overused in this election, for Americans to make that choice clearly. The smear campaigns, ult imately, begin to feel like childhood name-calling. With the state that American is currently in, struggling through a continuing the unemployment crisis and continuing and increasing debt, this is hardly the time for games. Choosing the right candidate is extremely important, regardless of your political party. These are the reasons that I chose this particular event. (5) What were the four most interesting things you learned from the meeting? This debate was, in fact, quite interesting. However, the issue that I was most eager to hear addressed was concerning the unemployment crisis. Although, both, candidates have plans for the issue, Obama reiterated the same approaches that he has proposed throughout his Presidency. While Romney offered some fresh perspectives that, definitely different from Obama’s, had a lot of merit. The next topic of importance to me is the controversial healthcare reform, often called, â€Å"Obamacare.†Romney was able to communicate how, not only is â€Å"Obamacare†not the best solution for healthcare reform, as it takes the power from the patient and physician and places it into the hands of medical councils, but, also, how â€Å"Obamacare†directly contributes to the, aforementioned, unemployment crisis.("YouTube") There are many businesses, particularly small businesses, that are less likely to hire new staff members because of the insurance requirements that â€Å"
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Nutrition and Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nutrition and Stress - Essay Example According to the report findings the majority of foods consumed in such situations are but ‘convenience foods’ considered a quick fix to nullify the condition, at least in part. The ‘quick fix’ theory is, however, false, as the resultant flaw that result in the eating habits in times of stress inflict even more stress on the body, compounding other problems that combine to pose a further threat to the physical and mental health. To be more certain, most of the unhealthy food intake consumed in times of stress consist of consists of fast foods that more often than not replaces healthy meals.As the discussion stresses poor eating habits has its consequences,  for  they encourages growth hormones that result in weight increases; a problematic condition that inhibits the body system from working effectively to control sugar levels in the blood, thus, creating a harmful imbalance. Accordingly, it is recommended that foods containing B vitamins, proteins and minerals be taken in a well-balanced diet to help the body to cope with stress. Proteins are, in fact, a necessary part in any food diet, for it assists in the growth and repairs of worn out tissues in the body. Foods rich in vitamin A and C, on other hand, help in rectifying poor vision and strengthening the immune system respectively. Minerals such as magnesium are necessary ingredients for muscle relaxations, which also combats stress; such foods include fish, eggs, meat, seeds, cheese, oil, milk, fruits, apple, green leaved vegetables among other cereals.
Bill Clinton and leadership Essay Example for Free
Bill Clinton and leadership Essay For the purpose of this paper, I have chosen the political leader and the former president of the United States, Bill Clinton as the subject of my essay. This paper is based on two of his autobiographical books which were based on his early childhood as well as his life before, during and after his presidency. The book My Life is an autobiographical account by Bill Clinton himself. He is the sole author of the book which was published in the year 2004. The book clearly outlines the various events of his life. These events pertained to the inauguration of Clinton as the 42nd president of the United States of America. This second volume, the first being a biography by Adam by the name of Bill Clinton, puts Clintons term in the office as the epic fall and the term of redemption. This was mostly indicated like such I the book due to the disastrous failure which came bout due to the actions of Mack McLarty, the white house chief of staff, as well as the promiscuous behavior of Clinton and the relationship with Hilary Clinton which was more emphatically and influential than his specific term. The years of 1993-1994 are depicted as the time where things were falling apart for both America as well as the Clintons. However the period following that pertaining to 1995-1996 the book depicts Clinton as In terms of the leadership and presidency Bill Clinton was much favored as being the revolutionary and sensible politician who with the support of his first lady was able to make America as the greatest nation of power in the world. The book also made use of many military metaphors to describe the situation the context of the book. It was highly apparent by reading the book that it was mostly about the evolution and change in the personality of Bill Clinton following his inauguration as the President of the United States. The change in him depicted him as being an arch baby boomer to the undisputed leader of his country. The accounts covered by Clinton were very much expected as he takes into account the bogus scandal of Whitewater, the unethical dalliance with Monica Lewinsky as well as his attempts at managing and balancing the budget for the United Stated of America. Other topics covered in the book also pertain to the Middle Eastern crisis and the peace plan proposed by him. However the more illuminating topics those were discusses in the book related to his personality and his life on a much personal note. This depicted the strength he showed as a person and how ,much the person as developed, and matured over the years in terms of his decision making him an ideal president for the United States during his time at the white house. The book itself however is ill organized and quite chaotic. The reason for this which can be ascertained for the events following and surrounding the launch of the book as well as the statement given by Bill Clinton himself was that the book is basically the picture into his life and the various significant events that took place in it. It is very much like the efforts of a small school boy however the content varies in terms of several topics and themes. The period of the presidency is treated like a rush period where the events merge into each other and the timeline is haphazard skipping large time variables in some instances. However despite the lack of maturity in the book, and the ill organization of the content the book did become a best seller, its sales even surpassing the sales of the memoirs of Hilary Clinton. The book My Life by Bill Clinton suffered criticism for the former advisor of Clinton’s Dick Morris who wrote a rebuttal by the name of Because HE Could. Through this book, Dick Morris set right and pointed pout the various inaccuracies which were present in the autobiographical account by Bill Clinton. The authors view on leadership however pertains to a more peaceful and negotiation based method of employing power and making use of it. Bill Clinton is of the opinion that in order to be able to run the country, a dictatorship is not the answer, instead innovative and democratic methods pertaining to dissemination of ideas across the board is a much better way of conducting managerial tasks. The author has stated through his autobiographies as well that the bet for of leadership is when the leader takes into account the point of view of those around him, gathering the specialized intellect available and then unanimously voting on the most beneficial and cost effective solution/ decision for the specific issue or case. This is a very democratic approach to decision making. However in the form of leadership described by Bill Clinton, it is essential to have a formal figurehead as this has the effect of providing the followers and the general population with one pint of view as well as a unified direction. The decision itself may be a democratic one however the proceedings to be carried out have to be collaborative in nature dictates from one source. The aspect of democratic leadership can be applied to the leadership for schools. The reason for this is that the political landscape pertaining to the role of leadership is much institutionalized. This is the same case with schools and colleges which are institutionalized as well with a formal set of rules and ethical code of conduct. However the differences settle in relative to the size of the operation. The operations conducted by Clinton were extensive, even global in nature. The scope for the school is restricted somewhat limited inn terms of the resources available, the staff participation and the relevance and long term effect of the decision making. However the same principle of school leadership as a form of democratic leadership can be employed. School leadership can be employed using democratic leadership styles characteristic of Bill Clinton by giving autonomy as well as decision making power to the lower staff and managers for their operations as well. This is an important component of the democratic leadership as the management and staff is usually the closest entity to the students and can understand their issues and problems much better. Moreover by being close to the students in terms of proximity the staff is also able to observe them and make them provide inputs for the prospective solution to the problem and the long term strategic goals of the institution. This information can be gathered form the expert and specialized managers and staff in the school and then relayed on to the appointed leader. The chairman for the board of directors of the school can then take this information in to account as well as any other information that would be reported by the management and the staff. After performing a cost benefit analysis and the long term strategy and profitability analysis the board of directors would be able to ascertain upon the main strategy for the school and how the issues need to be addressed. The above mentioned format for leadership enables almost all the members of the organization to participle and conduct a two way communication with the leader or the leaders of the organization. The solutions and strategies formed through this method are more accepted by all those concerned an in the long run are mostly effective as well. In terms of applying the leadership techniques and theories mentioned in the book and practiced by Bill Clinton clearly depict that the leader has to be an enigmatic person who has charisma and charm to carry out the role of being a figurehead and a liaison to the elements in the external environment. These views would enable me to hold a position of leadership in the school by making the fellow students aware of the characteristics that I have for being a potential leader as well as the communication and negotiation skills that would enable me to conduct discussions with them pertaining to the solution of the issues and the problems that hand. Aside from this the enigmatic personality is good for public relations as well as gaining the confidence and support of those around me. References 1. Clinton, B. , (2004), My Life, Publisher: Knopf, ISBN-10: 0375414576
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Using Ventricular Assist Devices Policies and Procedures
Using Ventricular Assist Devices Policies and Procedures Section 1 – USING VADs II-1 Policy (Section 1) – A. Excepting emergencies, newly placed external or implanted vascular access devices, placement must be confirmed by x-ray prior to infusing any medications or solutions. Note: lines inserted into the femoral vein do not require chest x-ray. B. Administration sets connected to a VAD must be cleaned and prepped using alcohol anywhere along the administration set where entry is made, using a friction scrub for 15 seconds. If the patient displays symptoms of infection: (i.e. febrile, chilling, or has drainage from the VAD exit site), blood and/or site cultures need to be obtained. A physician order is required. C. Emergency care of the VAD includes all of the following: 1. Notify the physician immediately to obtain order(s) if a VAD is cracked, leaking, or has a hole. Clamp the VAD between the site of the defect and the exit site. Clamping must be done atraumatically either with a plastic clamp or with a metal clamp padded with gauze. 2. If the VAD Dacron cuff protrudes from the exit site, secure the VAD with tape and notify the physician. 3. If symptoms of VAD infiltration occur (i.e. edema of the neck, chest, back or abdomen, or shortness of breath), stop the infusion and call the physician immediately. D. For patients who are being treated with antibiotics for sepsis or r/o sepsis, antibiotics ought to be rotated to each lumen of a multi-lumen VAD at least every 24 hours, if possible, i.e. it is optimal to rotate each antibiotic dose, or minimally every 24 hours, until blood cultures are negative for 72 hours. (See Reference Below to II-1-D) E. All central venous access devices which are Present on Admission (POA) or inserted with the intent of the patient being discharged with the device, e.g., hemodialysis, chemotherapy, long term antibiotic therapy, etc. do not require daily validation of medical necessity, but should be inspected for signs and symptoms of infection. All other Central venous devices shall be evaluated for medical necessity on a daily basis. Section 2 – OBTAINING SPECIMENS FROM VADs II – 2 POLICY – (Section 2) – Medical Center A. Aseptic technique is to be used when obtaining laboratory specimens from any type of Vascular Access Devices (VAD). B. Drawing blood from a VAD is performed only by a licensed healthcare professional within their scope of practice using needle-free devices when obtaining or transferring specimens. C. Specimens must be labeled in the presence of the patient and must include patient name, medical record number, date of birth, visit number (for Medical Center only), and date and time of specimen collection. Write the first initial and last name of the person who collected the specimen on the label. Vascular Access Device (VAD), External and Implanted, Catheter Care Page 3 of 17 D. Labs requiring a blue top anticoagulant tube (such as PT/PTT/INR or other clotting studies) should be drawn peripherally. In those instances in which these studies must be drawn through the VAD, this specimen should be the last specimen drawn. E. Syringes less than 10 ml are not to be used when flushing a VAD in order to avoid causing excessive pressure or fracture to the VAD. F. When drawing from a child less than two years of age, a stopcock is used to maintain a closed system and the discard blood is returned to the child within 60 seconds. G. To prevent over-heparinizing a pediatric patient, no more than 50units/kg should be given within a four-hour interval. If flushing does exceed this amount, an MD order should be obtained and individualized for that patient. H. For multi-lumen VADs: When drawing labs from one lumen, clamp other lumen(s) for duration of the blood draw, even if other lumen(s) is heparin locked. This prevents blood from possibly being introduced into second lumen when heparin locked. It also prevents possible contamination of lab specimen if fluid is infusing in second lumen. I. Heparin for routine VAD flushes requires an order in both inpatient and outpatient settings. The dosing and frequency guidelines are found on Attachment C of this policy. II-4 POLICY – (Section 4) – A. An RN who has demonstrated competency in this procedure may perform needle insertion, site care, and needle removal of an implanted Vascular Access Device. B. The surgeon will access the port in the operating room on newly placed ports. C. Sterile technique must be utilized when accessing the implanted VAD. D. Only a 90-degree safety non-coring needle is used to access implanted VADs. Needles are changed every seven days. The recommended non-coring needle sizes for both adult and pediatric patients is 19-22 gauge, 3/4 – 1†. Blood or more viscous solutions require a lower gauge needle. Needle length is dependent upon the amount of subcutaneous tissue and depth of port. Do not access port if area is blistered or there are signs/symptoms of infection. E. Post-op dressings can be removed 24 hours post-op (unless ordered otherwise by physician). Steri-strips at insertion site should remain in place for 7-10 days. F. Implanted VAD site dressing changes are to be done once a week, with the needle change, or whenever it becomes loose, wet, or soiled. G. A heparin-locked non-coring needle may remain inserted for seven days for intermittent IV infusions. If a non-coring needle was placed and the patient does not require therapy, the needle must be removed by an RN prior to the patient being discharged home. H. Topical anesthetics may be used to help minimize the pain of needle insertion.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Genealogy and the Internet
Genealogy and the Internet The topic of genealogy has been thoroughly researched throughout the decades. The main problem with genealogy was the travel that traditionally accompanied any genealogist in their search for records and sources. Access to records, or the lack thereof, is the pivotal issue for genealogists. They have lobbied successfully to increase physical access to records, and they also work to increase intellectual access through mentoring and educational programs [6]. For example, genealogists in Minnesota assisted in the transcription of death records and in creating an on-line index [7]. Since the unpredictable explosion of the internet and therefore the creation of online indexes, this issue has practically been wiped out. The Pew Internet and American Life Project found that use of the Internet for hobbies has grown exponentially, and 24 percent of respondents went on-line to research family history or genealogy [8]. GenWeb is an example of a loosely organized group of genealogists who independently select vital records, index them, and publish the indexes online. There is no quality control, true aggregation, or direct linking to the original. What you see is what you get: many separate online indexes, loosely organized under the USGenweb Project umbrella, available at Genealogists building family trees over the Internet through name indexing and vital records data collection projects has become a massive hobby since the introduction of these online indexes. The Genealogical Society of Utah (GSU), as part of its effort to collect micro film (and more recently, digitized) copies of vital records, developed an Internet Indexing System to manage work flow and provide robust tools for volunteers to carry out name indexing projects from the comfort of their homes [31]. The resulting data goes not only to the GSUs cumulative database, but to each repository that owns the records for merging with its discovery system. This system varies from the work of the GenWeb in this important way. A commercial example of this is [10], which digitized and thoroughly indexed some of the U.S. Federal Census returns, adding value to a public record. The records themselves (or a microfilm thereof) are available for all to see at no cost at the National Archives and at many other repositories. But Ancestry charges for access to its database and with it, its digital images taken from the microfilm. The added values, those that make this worth paying for, are 1) the aggregation, 2) the indexes, and 3) the convenience of online access. They record dates and places of births, marriages, deaths, places of residence and other information, such as occupation, military service or church affiliation. Pedigree charts are used to record familial relations, and history sheets for supplementary information such as anecdotes, newspaper accounts, or other miscellaneous historical information. Every detail needs to be referred to the original source, invariably a primary or vital record, though sometimes secondary sources such as oral history, family bibles, published genealogies, and transcribed records. 2.1.2 Genealogy in Ireland Information skills development and information exchange are key features of genealogy. When related activities such as membership in genealogical societies, family reunions, and research in libraries and archives are considered, the number of people engaged in genealogical activities is huge [11]. The Irish government has an official website,, ran by the Department for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. The website contains a huge database of records, consisting of extremely old records such as the 1901 and 1911 Census. In September 2015, the website received a massive boost when over 2.5 million images of Irish births, deaths and marriage records from the General Register Office, making the website a goldmine for Irish genealogists [12]. Previously, in order to view these records, a person would need to put in an order and wait to hear back from the GRO. Now, all records are easily assessable for any person who wishes, at the click of a button. 2.1.3 Similar Software Already Available After a lengthy search, including contacting some international genealogy developers, I can conclude that there does not currently exist any software similar to the one I am creating. Online, there are many family tree creators, record searchers, message boards, etc. however none of these can actually give a narrative of a persons life. Thus, I think that my contribution after creating this application will be of a great benefit when released online. 2.2 Technical material 2.2.1 Sources There are two types of sources used in genealogical research: primary and secondary. In this project, I will focus on the primary sources. Primary sources can be described as documents and records that were created during the time of the event in question, such as a birth, census, death, or marriage, happened. A person who had direct and personal first-hand knowledge of the event wrote these documents and records. Many of this documents can include vital record facts, such as certificates of births, deaths, or marriages, family bibles, military records, information, naturalization records, and more. Since these documents are said to be highly accurate, primary sources are preferred when obtaining and referencing genealogical information. For example, consider a primary source for your birth date is your birth certificate. In most instances, a birth certificate is prepared either on the day or within a few days of the actual event. This certificate is then signed by one or more witnes ses to the birth making it a first-hand primary document. The quickness and inclusion of direct witness make the information within the record a reliable account of the event and therefore of more usefulness to a genealogist. There are many Irish websites that contain digitalized primary sources [13]. 2.2.2 Web Application Choice Several considerations should be taken when choosing which language to use for building the web application: Comfort: When choosing a language, a person should take into account any language that they feel more comfortable with, from using beforehand, making it easier to develop further. As a Computer Science student, I have come in contact with a number of different programming languages so my choice ranges. Performance: The performance of the language itself is the only one real concern that could cause an issue. Performance of how the language crosses with external technologies such as the file system or database is said to be extremely important and should not be looked over. Popularity: This is a very important one. You are more likely to find helpful documents online if you use a popular language. You are also more likely to find reference material and other help. 2.2.3 Mean Probability The probability associated with each source fact will be in the range of 10 100%. Using the mean will calculate the overall probability for correctness. The mean value of a set of figures is calculated by summing the figures to find the total and then dividing by the number of figures in the set.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Loss of Freedom in Modern America Essay -- Argumentative Persuasiv
The Loss of Freedom in Modern America  Society exists in two realms: public and private. Thousands of years ago, the public realm was clearly defined as the political arena, where men interacted one with another, and the private realm dwelled among the work and labor of man. The progression from ancient Greece to modern day society has blurred the defining line between the two due to the increasing influence of money.       In Greek society, the public realm was a place of action: a place to achieve freedom. As time progressed, wealth increased among individuals, making it less defined. These changes blurred the division between public and private realms because the public realm became controlled by wealth. This forced many out of the public realm and into the private realm, making it more difficult to achieve freedom. Simultaneously, individual thinking led to an increase in knowledge about the world in general, leading to disproving what man commonly accepted as fact until that point. Now freedom was no longer as easily attainable and man's necessity for freedom merged into the private realm of work and labor. Therefore as the society progressed, individuality decreased and public and private realms were not as distinctly separable as they once were.       In today's society, this blurred definition of what is necessary and free and how it is obtained is observed in modern America. Over the years, politics in general are no longer a public arena where every man can achieve freedom. In America, there is a representative democracy, in which the people elect represent... ... loss of individuality in the public realm and the increase in conformity in society has led to some extreme expressions of desires for freedom.       In conclusion, society was at one time clearly defined by public and private realms. The first was a place to achieve individual freedom while the other was a way to obtain basic human necessities through work and labor. Throughout the ages, there has been a progressive diminishment of the definition between these two realms of society due to the increasing influence of wealth on the public realm. As a result, individuals have become frustrated, for they can no longer achieve freedom in the public realm. Now, they result to extreme forms of expression to achieve their necessity of freedom in the hybrid society where public and private realms coexist.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
controversial issues :: essays research papers
Controversy is everywhere; people can take the least controversial things and make them controversial just for the sake of arguing about them. There are a lot of issues that are a big concern to people these days; issues that cause debates and become major issues in presidential elections. People take all kinds of views of these very issues and a lot of the time the bible is a big influence on people’s final decisions on how they feel. People believe things are wrong because the bible tells them that it is wrong. No matter what religion you are the bible in a very important piece of history in this society. Things like abortion and homosexuality are frowned upon because of the way the bible is interpreted. People feel that the sixth commandment â€Å"thou shall not kill†also goes for a fetus; or they take that a union is between a man and a woman means that people of the same sex can’t have the same sacred union. People take this out dated piece of history and try to apply it to our society today without taking into account that the human race has changed since the bible has been written.      When the topic of abortion comes up people refer to the bible’s sixth commandment â€Å"thou shall not kill†and they feel that having an abortion is killing a baby no matter what stage of the pregnancy it is in. People feel that abortion should not be legal. Professor of law at the University of Colorado, Paul Campos said, â€Å"Whether or not abortion should be legal turns on the answer to the question of whether and at what point a fetus is a person. This is a question that cannot be answered logically or empirically. The concept of parenthood is neither logical nor empirical. It is essentially, or quasi-religious idea, based on one’s fundamental (and therefore unverifiable) assumptions about the nature of the world.†People have different views on abortion, when it’s acceptable, when its not and some just think that no matter what the circumstances it is never okay. There are people that believe that abortion is only acceptab le under certain conditions such as the woman was raped or she got pregnant due to incest. Some people feel that an abortion acceptable when the woman is in danger. People who are more about the choice of the woman feel that abortion is okay when it is done in the first trimester. controversial issues :: essays research papers Controversy is everywhere; people can take the least controversial things and make them controversial just for the sake of arguing about them. There are a lot of issues that are a big concern to people these days; issues that cause debates and become major issues in presidential elections. People take all kinds of views of these very issues and a lot of the time the bible is a big influence on people’s final decisions on how they feel. People believe things are wrong because the bible tells them that it is wrong. No matter what religion you are the bible in a very important piece of history in this society. Things like abortion and homosexuality are frowned upon because of the way the bible is interpreted. People feel that the sixth commandment â€Å"thou shall not kill†also goes for a fetus; or they take that a union is between a man and a woman means that people of the same sex can’t have the same sacred union. People take this out dated piece of history and try to apply it to our society today without taking into account that the human race has changed since the bible has been written.      When the topic of abortion comes up people refer to the bible’s sixth commandment â€Å"thou shall not kill†and they feel that having an abortion is killing a baby no matter what stage of the pregnancy it is in. People feel that abortion should not be legal. Professor of law at the University of Colorado, Paul Campos said, â€Å"Whether or not abortion should be legal turns on the answer to the question of whether and at what point a fetus is a person. This is a question that cannot be answered logically or empirically. The concept of parenthood is neither logical nor empirical. It is essentially, or quasi-religious idea, based on one’s fundamental (and therefore unverifiable) assumptions about the nature of the world.†People have different views on abortion, when it’s acceptable, when its not and some just think that no matter what the circumstances it is never okay. There are people that believe that abortion is only acceptab le under certain conditions such as the woman was raped or she got pregnant due to incest. Some people feel that an abortion acceptable when the woman is in danger. People who are more about the choice of the woman feel that abortion is okay when it is done in the first trimester.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Lesson learned
There comes a time in everyone's life when bad things happen that we wish had never occurred. This experience, that result in being punished or even disciplined by our parents, guardian, police or even by a teachers, often leads us to learn an Important life lessons. Soon, we realize that we did something we know we should not have done. Growing up, I was always the kid who had to be punished; not because I was bad, but by doing and saying stupid things, and by keeping the wrong set of friend, who often got me Into trouble.My punishments Include, being grounded from my phone, television ,and everything else that I would consider fun. When I would get into trouble, often I was deadlines by my parent, but getting deadlines by Mrs.. White – who was my fifth grade teacher at All Mercy middle school- was very different and scary. I was slating In Mrs. White's math class, and she began to pass out our Math test scores. I was, and still, am Inefficient In my math skill. As she passed the tests back, my anxious eyes searched the bright colored room, was expecting the worst. E colorful posters were not enough to distract me from my inevitable bad grade, and the blue walls were hardly calming. The garden I received was very low. A depressing, bold looking in bright red ink, was burned at the top of the paper close to where my name was written. I got mad at myself,and I let out an exasperated sigh that Just happen to include the â€Å"F -word†. Everybody in the class, including Mrs.. White, turned toward me with looks of shock and astonishment. Mrs.. White then shouted my name and said; â€Å"Tamari, get in my office owe l†I was in shock at myself that I had lousily sighed this obscenity.I was so scare to go to Mrs.. White's office. In a angry tone of voice, she shouted again, â€Å"Tamari, in my office now! †I was so terrified to face her, because I and never heard Mrs.. White sound so angry before. She shouted one last time, â€Å"Tamari, in my office, right now! †I walked slowly, slower than a turtle, into her office. I could feel the entire class staring at me as I walked as slow as possible. Finally, when I reached Mrs.. White's office, she had me sit down in front of her desk. She said, †You know saying the F word was unacceptable. I nodded my head. That day after lunch, Mrs.. White had me apologize in front of the entire class for using foul language, and she had me sit In the naughty corner of the class by myself for four days. I was happy that Ms. While did not called my parents because I knew my punishment would have been much worse. Luckily, my parents never actually found out that I used the F word at school. That day I clearly learned that there are consequent for my actions, and I have to be more careful with the things I say.Word can get you Into trouble, but not Just In the classroom, at work, and their power to hurt others . Because word are very power, you can hurt someone feeling by sa ying the wrong thing. Be aware of using polite words also show how matured and respectful a person can be. Lesson learned By tinniest 16 important life lessons. Soon, we realize that we did something we know we should set of friend, who often got me into trouble. My punishments include, being When I would get into trouble, often I was disciplined by my parent, but getting disciplined by Mrs..White – who was my fifth grade teacher at All Mercy middle school- was very different and scary. I was sitting in Mrs. White's math class, and she began to pass out our Math test scores. I was, and still, am inefficient in my math room, I was expecting the worst. The colorful posters were not enough to distract me received was very low. A depressing, bold looking â€Å"F†, in bright red ink, was burned at astonishment. Mrs.. White then shouted my name and said; â€Å"Tamari, get in my office now I was in shock at myself that I had lousily sighed this obscenity.I was so â€Å"Tama ri, in my office now! †I was so terrified to face her, because I and never heard White's office, she had me sit down in front of her desk. She said, †You know saying sit in the naughty corner of the class by myself for four days. I was happy that Ms. White did not called my parents because I knew my punishment would have been have to be more careful with the things I say. Word can get you into trouble, but not just in the classroom, at work, and their power to hurt others . Because word are very Lesson learned There comes a time in everyone's life when bad things happen that we wish had never occurred. This experience, that result in being punished or even disciplined by our parents, guardian, police or even by a teachers, often leads us to learn an Important life lessons. Soon, we realize that we did something we know we should not have done. Growing up, I was always the kid who had to be punished; not because I was bad, but by doing and saying stupid things, and by keeping the wrong set of friend, who often got me Into trouble.My punishments Include, being grounded from my phone, television ,and everything else that I would consider fun. When I would get into trouble, often I was deadlines by my parent, but getting deadlines by Mrs.. White – who was my fifth grade teacher at All Mercy middle school- was very different and scary. I was slating In Mrs. White's math class, and she began to pass out our Math test scores. I was, and still, am Inefficient In my math skill. As she passed the tests back, my anxious eyes searched the bright colored room, was expecting the worst. E colorful posters were not enough to distract me from my inevitable bad grade, and the blue walls were hardly calming. The garden I received was very low. A depressing, bold looking in bright red ink, was burned at the top of the paper close to where my name was written. I got mad at myself,and I let out an exasperated sigh that Just happen to include the â€Å"F -word†. Everybody in the class, including Mrs.. White, turned toward me with looks of shock and astonishment. Mrs.. White then shouted my name and said; â€Å"Tamari, get in my office owe l†I was in shock at myself that I had lousily sighed this obscenity.I was so scare to go to Mrs.. White's office. In a angry tone of voice, she shouted again, â€Å"Tamari, in my office now! †I was so terrified to face her, because I and never heard Mrs.. White sound so angry before. She shouted one last time, â€Å"Tamari, in my office, right now! †I walked slowly, slower than a turtle, into her office. I could feel the entire class staring at me as I walked as slow as possible. Finally, when I reached Mrs.. White's office, she had me sit down in front of her desk. She said, †You know saying the F word was unacceptable. I nodded my head. That day after lunch, Mrs.. White had me apologize in front of the entire class for using foul language, and she had me sit In the naughty corner of the class by myself for four days. I was happy that Ms. While did not called my parents because I knew my punishment would have been much worse. Luckily, my parents never actually found out that I used the F word at school. That day I clearly learned that there are consequent for my actions, and I have to be more careful with the things I say.Word can get you Into trouble, but not Just In the classroom, at work, and their power to hurt others . Because word are very power, you can hurt someone feeling by sa ying the wrong thing. Be aware of using polite words also show how matured and respectful a person can be. Lesson learned By tinniest 16 important life lessons. Soon, we realize that we did something we know we should set of friend, who often got me into trouble. My punishments include, being When I would get into trouble, often I was disciplined by my parent, but getting disciplined by Mrs..White – who was my fifth grade teacher at All Mercy middle school- was very different and scary. I was sitting in Mrs. White's math class, and she began to pass out our Math test scores. I was, and still, am inefficient in my math room, I was expecting the worst. The colorful posters were not enough to distract me received was very low. A depressing, bold looking â€Å"F†, in bright red ink, was burned at astonishment. Mrs.. White then shouted my name and said; â€Å"Tamari, get in my office now I was in shock at myself that I had lousily sighed this obscenity.I was so â€Å"Tama ri, in my office now! †I was so terrified to face her, because I and never heard White's office, she had me sit down in front of her desk. She said, †You know saying sit in the naughty corner of the class by myself for four days. I was happy that Ms. White did not called my parents because I knew my punishment would have been have to be more careful with the things I say. Word can get you into trouble, but not just in the classroom, at work, and their power to hurt others . Because word are very
What is taboo? Taboo is human activity that is forbidden based on moral judgment. Anything that is not accepted by society or by your peers is considered taboo. This perfectly awful word has so many meanings ,yet no matter what race, religion, or culture your in it means forbidden or banned. No matter how hard you try not to be taboo you are. So is being taboo part of human nature, or is it how we try to stand out from everybody else and show individuality? Are you taboo, do you know someone who is taboo?There is no taboo that is universal, but some occur in the majority of societies. The dietary practices of some people are considered taboo, for instance some are vegetarians, kosher diets, cannibalism, or meat-eaters. Judaism prohibits the eating of bats, frogs, crocodiles, or snakes. Cow or beef is taboo to be eaten by vegetarian, Hindus, or Zoroastrians. Dog meat is taboo in the United States, they are considered part of the family. While in China dogs are bred for their meat, one example of this is the Chow Chow.Prince Philip of the United Kingdom once said â€Å"If it has four legs and is not a chair, has wings and is not an aero plane, or swims and is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it. †Once again everybody is taboo. I personally love to eat frog and beef. It is taboo in my eyes not to eat meat ,but that is because I am a meat-eater. The way people show or deal with their body function, such as burping, flatulence, defecating, and urinating are all forms of taboo. In the United States it is considered taboo to defecate or urinate in public.While in India, they teach to drink cow urine and eat cow feces. We all try to avoid doing things we think are taboo. People deal with things they think are different in different ways. Some turn their heads when they are faced with something or someone they find ugly or repulsive. The way people stare with added expressions when they see something different then what they consider normal, anything from a personal choice to birth defects. Even in relationships there is and will always be taboos. Sex outside of arriage, adultery, miscegenation, and incest are all forms of taboos in relationships. In the United States adultery and incest are very taboo, but in Wodaabe ,men of Niger steal each others wives even if they already have one. So adultery is taboo here over there it is accepted and condoned. Miscegenation was taboo in the United States until 1967 when they said it was unconstitutional. Taboo is in the politics of everyday living. For the United States fascism, communism, and anarchism are all taboo.While in China and Vietnam both accept and have a communism government. In early German the Nazism was taboo because of the fascism. Taboo was brought to the English language by Captain James Cook, and English explorer who visited Tonga. A famous American author Henry Miller said â€Å" whenever a taboo is broken, something good happens, something vitalizing. Taboos after all ar e only hangovers, the product of diseased minds, you might say, of fearsome people who hadn’t the courage to live and who under the guise of morality and religion have imposed these things upon us. So do not shun or avoid , accept everybody’s taboos because when they look at you they see all your taboos to them. Taboos are everywhere and in everything, because if there wasn’t then this would be a boring world to live. Could you imagine if everybody was doing the same thing, everything going the same direction ,no disorder, or no rebellion it would be very bland. In the end no one is perfect, and even if it might be considered taboo, whatever it is. The taboos we have or don’t have make us all unique and special.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Baby Dumping Among the Teenagers
The pie chart shows what could immediate reason for the teenagers to dump babies. There are several reasons for them to dump babies.Based on figure 6, 71% shows the reason for the teenagers to dump babies is feeling ashamed, followed by afraid of parent approval which is contributed 29%.As a conclusion, most of respondents choose afraid of parent approval as an immediate reason for the teenagers to dump babies.Figure 2 The chart above shows respond from respondents about is it fair to dump a baby if the mother is forced to. Based on the figure above, 17.6% of the respondents say yes about this question. Beside that 82.4% of respondent say no.As a conclusion, majority of respondent say no. In fact, child is a priceless gift from Allah SWT. So that is very unfair to punish them because of our sin. It is narrated in holy Al-Quran 81: 8-9 :â€Å"When the girl-child that was buried alive, Is asked for what crime she was slain?'.Therefore, dump a baby not a solution to address this issue. Factors influence of baby dumpingFigure 3From the figures the three highest factors influence of baby dumping are lack of religious upbringing, poor application of religious knowledge and lack of parented care supervision.Figure 1 above showed 20 respondents choosing the lack of religious upbringing is the highest factors responsible for the problem of baby dumping among teenagers in Kuala Lumpur. Meanwhile, 17 respondents choosing the poor application of religious knowledge as a factor number 2 and 11 respondents choosing the lack of parented care supervision as a factor number 3 as a causes for the problem of baby dumping among teenagers in Kuala Lumpur.As a conclusion, there are seven causes of baby dumping. Out of the seven causes of baby dumping from our survey, respondents have choosing the 3 main causes namely, lack of religious upbringing, poor application of religious knowledge and lack of parented care supervision and the two lowest factors of baby dumping are media influe nce and economic problem (poverty).Seven main causes of baby dumping among teenagers in Kuala Lumpur1. Lack of religious upbringing In this case, we don’t deny that the lack of religious upbringing is the main reason for baby dumping cases to occur. Usually, groups of adolescents are involved in the case of abandoned babies. Lack of religious teachings and guidance to life cause them to lose direction in life and engage in negative symptoms, such as free association. Adolescents who are engaged in free sex tend to result in unwanted pregnancy before marriage. In this situation, teens who lose their faith measure inhumane and would leave their newborns in places like public toilets, litter bins, side drains and so on2. Poor application of religious knowledge â€Å"Religious prayer pole†said our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. When someone lacks of their religious prayers, their whole life is damaged. Without religious, humans are blind as they cannot have proper guidance to life.3. Lack of parental care supervision Sometimes, parents are always busy with their work. Teenagers must pay attention to them a lot. They need love and they need friends to talk about their problems. Some teenagers like to take opinions from their friends of different gender. When that happen, some of their boyfriends take advantage to do free promiscuity. When unwanted babies are born they are dumped because of absence of adult adence.4. Family break-up Family break-ups happen after a long period of misunderstandings, fighting and unhappiness. Sometimes they happen suddenly and it is hard for children to understand the situation. Children are mostly affected by this kind of situation. If both their mother and father decide to a divorce and cannot raise their children alone, the tendency is that they will dump their child. This child will become homeless and find himself alone.5. Peer Influence In addition, peer influence also leads to cases of baby dumping occurred. This is b ecause at a young age, teens are very easily influenced by their peers. This problem becomes worse when they associate with negative peers. Negative friends will invite young people to do things outside the boundaries of religion and norms of society, such as going to places of entertainment such as disco, taking drugs and doing free association. Many teens who fall into promiscuity, and eventually reach a dead end to find her self with unwanted pregnancy. In desperation, they have to discard their babies.6. Media influence As we know, media such as Majalah Mangga, URTV always publishes many articles and news about social life. Sometimes television also highlights social life. Such matters encourage teenagers to follow the example expose.7. Economic problem (poverty) If the teenagers come from poor family, they always have economic problem. Sometimes they see economic problem as a one way to go far away from the family. Sometimes they become prostitude to make some easy money. So fr om promiscuous activity. When unwanted babies are borned, without think, they dump the babies anywhere without mercy.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Girl Interrupted
Girl, Interrupted was the movie I chose to watch for my experiential paper. This 1999 movie, directed by James Mangold, tells a true tale of a woman’s eighteen-month stay at a psychiatric hospital. This woman, Susanne Kaysen, appears to be depressed and aimless as she finishes her high school career. After a suicide attempt, she finds herself trapped in a mental institution called Claymore Hospital. Although I’ve seen this movie many of times, it always makes an impact on me. Now that I know more about psychology, I feel as though I watched the movie from a different perspective. This new perspective allowed me to analyze and critique the film from through the lens of psychology. The movie ‘Girl Interrupted' is a story of a nineteen year old girl Susanne in the 1960's who, after being suspected of trying to commit suicide, gets sent away to the Mental Institution for a short ‘resting period. Her psychiatrist had suggested to her that the affair with one of her parents' friends, along with her misconception that chasing a bottle of aspirin with a bottle of vodka is anything other than a suicide attempt, could be signs that she may be suffering from ‘borderline personality disorder. ‘ Now she must struggle to remain as sane as possible while being immersed in the hospital with many unstable patients. At the Claymoore Hospital, Susanne quickly becomes friendly with a number of the institution's residents. These residents include Georgina, a pathological liar, Polly a terminally fearful burn victim, Daisy an incest victim and extremely withdrawn agoraphobic, and Lisa, a charming, but manipulating sociopath. The only character to really portray the characteristics of their disorder accurately was Lisa, the sociopath. Antisocial personality disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by chronic behavior that manipulates, exploits, or violates the rights of others. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder are often angry and arrogant but may be capable of superficial wit and charm. They may be adept at flattery and are very skilled at manipulating the emotions for their own personal gain as we discussed in class. I thought Lisa’s disorder was accurately portrayed because even with her total disregard for the concerns and even the lives of others, she still manages to some how charm the audience with her blunt brutal honesty and her ‘I don't care what people think of me' attitude. People diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder seem to have no emotional connection to any one or anything, and seldom show any signs of emorse for their intrusions on the rights of others like we talked about in class.. Lisa's power of observations gave her the uncanny ability to sense the weakness in other people, which as most sociopaths do, used them for her own personal gain. Another character in the film was Daisy, an obsessive-compulsive agoraphobic whose ongoing affair with her father had left her with a number of various personality disorders to choose from there weren't many disorders that she didn't show symptoms of. Her character did a wonderful job portraying a neurotic recluse whose various disorders took over her life to the point she felt she no longer had any hope for living independently of her sexually abusive father. Other characters include Polly, with her self-inflicted burns that have kept her forever childlike, and Georgina the pathological liar and roommate of the borderline Susanna. It was amongst these characters that Susanna found the strength to confront her own turbulent mentality. Susanna's character did a good job with allowing the narrative to paint a picture of the thought processes of someone who suffers from depression or other personality disorders. Even though she did show signs of having a borderline personality, I personally felt that she showed more signs of depression than anything else. A person with depression or bipolar disorder typically endures the same mood for weeks; a person with BPD may experience intense bouts of anger, depression, and anxiety that may last only hours, or at most a day as we learned about in class.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Fiji Water and Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
Nova School of Business and Economics 2nd Semester 2011/2012 Marta Andre Lopes n º10265 International Management – 4th Case Study Summary – Fiji Water and Corporate Social Responsibility: Green Makeover or†Greenwashing†? 1. Introducing the Case The case traces the establishment and subsequent operation of Fiji Water LLC and its bottling subsidiary, Natural Waters of Viti Limited, the first company in Fiji extracting, bottling and marketing, both domestically and internationally, artesian water coming from a untouched ecosystem in the main of Fiji Islands. It takes us through the growth and market expansion of this highly successful company. The company has grown rapidly over the past decade and a half, and now exports bottled water into many countries in the world from its production plant located in the Fiji Islands. In 2008, Fiji Water was the leading imported bottled water brand in the United States. Despite of a great marketing success of the Fiji brand, particularly in the U. S. market, the case shows us how the company has responded to a number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues, including measuring and reducing its carbon footprint, responsibilities to key stakeholders, and concerns of the Fiji government with regard to taxation and transfer pricing issues. It also leads us to think of CSR challenges that may jeopardize the sustainability of a great marketing strategy. In this case, Fiji Water faces CSR issues such as the carbon footprint on its production, responsibilities to stakeholders, relations and legal issues with the Fiji authorities on tax incentives, export duty claims and transfer price that may jeopardize an otherwise successful marketing strategy. . Challenges Ahead The firms’ strategies should not only focus on the stakeholders’ or the employees’ interests, they should also take care of the outsiders’ interests affected by the firms’ business since every firm, irrespective of its business or size, must have an obligation to satisfy the social interests when it does the business in the sake of the stakeholders. The case showed that a corporation’s marketing and ethical strategies should not only focus on the interest of the stakeholders and the legal compliance of that corporation’s business, but also center on the moral and social responsibilities. A corporation with a more socially responsible practice would consider itself as responsible corporate citizen of the entire society for every course of business actions. Also, if a corporation fails to maintain a good CSR practice, it exposes the business to various green nterests groups which may trigger the corporation’s sustainability. Given this, it is very important that corporations and their marketers care about CSR practice to ensure the sustainable strategy, which help to ensure the achievement of the stakeholders’ interests by managing economic, legal, social, cultural, and environmental risks. Fiji Water LLC showed a great contribution in Fiji with respect to tax revenue, jobs for local workers, foreign currency collection from export sales and so on. These factors ensure that the production facilities in Fiji can be sufficiently operated and expanded over the years to meet the increasing demand from consumers. I think that the company could develop a comprehensive program on measurement, tracking, reporting, and audit on corporate commitments and responsibilities on environment protection of itself and its vendors, which could help to Fiji Water LLC and its vendors to improve its environmental credibility in certifying that Fiji Water LLC is carbon negative. Also, the company should start paying more corporate taxes to demonstrate that it is a good corporate citizen by revisit its transfer pricing practice. As a consequence, it should review and optimize its business operations to be more efficient and effective by reducing its costs,balancing the interests of its stakeholders and Fijian government.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Math and students Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Math and students - Coursework Example the traditional algorithms and the student made algorithms .The student made algorithm may be in a position to solve the problem competently delivering the answer. In the handling of problems of algorithm, mathematical validity is a preserve of testing efficiency. The search for validity leads to granting of certain rules of solving math algorithms. The student generated algorithm is different from the traditional algorithm when the answers are similar to those derived from traditional algorithm but the formula and procedure vary from the traditional algorithm. For the algorithms generated by the students to be effective and understandable and be able to offer solutions to the math problem they should be minimal of errors from the beginning .Therefore the teacher should be in a position to monitor the work of the students with the algorithms from the beginning of the exercise to the end of the generation of the algorithm. The should be in a position to explain the algorithm and how it is operating (Tracey,
Monday, August 12, 2019
Linguistic and Encylopaedic Information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Linguistic and Encylopaedic Information - Essay Example It has been an observation that this distinction has often been very metaphorical due to inter-relation of lexical and non-lexical knowledge, and thus one can come across different viewpoints regarding possibility of distinction of linguistic and encyclopaedic information. On one hand, few linguistics advocate invalidity of any distinction between the two types of knowledge and/or information due to globalization of language and knowledge that has resulted in increment in spread of semantics and enhanced dependence on semiotics that do not facilitate any distinction between lexical and encyclopaedic information. On the other hand, linguistics of other school of thoughts deny this argument and oppose that it is essential to distinguish both information, especially from the perspective of linguistics as it will allow an in-depth understanding of different elements of a language. In this regard, different viewpoints exist; however, this paper will now include a brief description and dis cussion regarding dictionary and its entries that will allow a general understanding of information that is provided in the dictionaries, which will later on be considered for discussion on its distinction with encyclopaedic information. ... 93) Nowadays, it has been an observation that a dictionary entry usually consists of lexical information regarding a particular word. For instance, in the above example also, dictionary entry consisted of form, syntax, and semantic information regarding the word ‘cat’. However, latest versions of dictionaries are now coming with additional information as well, such as semantic relatives and morphologies, pronunciations, as well as alternative spellings (Spencer, 2012). In this regard, one can see distinction between different types of dictionaries as well since one can come across general dictionaries, subject dictionaries, translating dictionaries, special dictionaries, etc, and thus, every dictionary differentiates from one another based on its characteristics. In some dictionaries, dictionary entry will consist of orthographic information that is not a linguistic characteristic of a word according to many linguistic experts and thus will not be present in entries of o ther dictionaries. According to few linguistic experts, various additional factors play a critical role in understanding of words in English language; they do affect meaning, and consequently utilization of the particular word. Thus, it has now become very difficult to separate worldly meaning associated with lexical word meaning since native speakers although begin with lexical understanding of the language; however, they left the former as soon as they increase the volume of their vocabulary. In this regard, although one can distinguish between lexical that is dictionary information and non-lexical that is encyclopaedic information; however, it will require selection of a particular lens and/or perspective that will enable
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Public Health Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Public Health - Research Paper Example Public health also alleviates human suffering, and is practiced by a variety of professionals in the field. As a field of study, I have gained vast knowledge on public health, including all the aspects of public health, and policy and practice. Therefore, this has prepared me to undertake practical tasks in the field, where I will perform effectively, considering the amount and quality of knowledge I have gathered in this course. Through learning this course, I have realized that there are many challenges that face public health today. Therefore, as a professional and leader in this field, I have to contribute to the development of solutions to the challenges. Therefore, learning this course has increased my understanding of the complex challenges, which professionals in the field of public health are faced with. Times have changed, and so have the challenges in Public Health. These are evolving, and becoming more complex. Three major factors are responsible for the changing the natu re of health threats today. These include demographic transition, which occur because of urbanization and ageing, epidemiological transitions, and compromised physiology. In addition, financial insufficiencies have hindered the effective implementation of most public health initiatives. Furthermore, it is challenging for public health practitioners to achieve the desired influence in society, since the main ethos of public health; prevention, is undervalued in society, basing on its invisible benefits. Communication is another major challenge in public health, as the field is highly involved in the education of the public. Finally, because of globalization, public health professionals are expected to adopt a global thinking by local action (Pomerleau & McKee, 2005). Therefore, the aspect of intercultural communication is core to public health, and professionals in this field. Like other any workplace, the field of public health also faces considerable issues at the workplace. These vary in nature, and might involve the company itself or its employees. Therefore, as a leader, it is important to develop strategies that can help in addressing the emerging complex issues. There are various strategies, which managers at the workplace can employ to address workplace issues. The most important strategy is for managers to develop an open-door policy for employees. In this case, employees will consider the manager approachable, thus will feel free to report any pressing issue they experience. Secondly, it is important for a manager to address problems or issues immediately they occur, instead of leaving them unaddressed. Furthermore, fairness at the workplace is of great importance. The culture of fairness helps to prevent major problems, which would have occurred at the workplace. Above all, communication is key, therefore, managers should foster effective communication with employees, as this helps to cut down on difficult situations. In order to increase efficiency at the workplace, as a manager, I must push for the adoption of effective information technology. Today, the technology is highly advanced, and has increased efficiency and performance of tasks. Therefore, present public health managers have a role of ensuring that new technology is adopted at the workplace.Â
The Central Park Five Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Central Park Five - Essay Example The Innocence Project reports â€Å"that about one quarter of people who have been exonerated by DNA evidence made false incriminating statements or gave false confessions that helped convict them†(â€Å"Worcester police use coercion to get confession†). The question is how this could happen and what can lead a person to do something as seemingly crazy as confessing to a crime they didn’t commit. The Central Park Five documentary is a sad real unjust story, which shows how corrupted and unethical the law system can be with no circumstantial evidence and use of coercion. Five young boys were sent to prison, and lost their childhood because the prosecutor and the detectives wanted to glorify their career by means of other people’s lives and took advantage of the situation without a doubt. It goes without saying that this crime has been tailored in racial stereotyping with emphasis on the timeline introspectively to fit the crimes to the particular decade. While watching this documentary, first thing that I paid attention to was the fact that original investigators denied to come into the light. Certainly if we try to find out this we would here such phrases as â€Å"no comments†, â€Å"it is unknown at this time†or â€Å"we can’t comment on the situation due to sensitivity of the case†. Ok that is fine and totally understandable, but in this particular case it is obvious that the interrogations were orchestrated with coercion. From the ethical stand point in my opinion there was no, and this applies especially to the prosecutor Elizabeth Lederer. As Burns shows, the DNA evidence showed that Matias Reyes, the "East Side Slasher" was an offender who committed crime. The facts showed that he was an offender. However, the police did not pay any attention to that and preferred to accuse the group of African American and Latino boys of the crime commitment. They did not even pay any attention to the undeniable DNA evidence. Personally I can’t believe that the
Saturday, August 10, 2019
The Power of Advertising in Modern Society Essay
The Power of Advertising in Modern Society - Essay Example The power of advertisements is immediately linked to their use of imagery and their sponsorship of commercial media. While the majority express a dismissive attitude towards advertisements and claim to be unaffected by them, available figures support an alternate reality. Steinberg emphasises this point when highlighting the financial resources which companies set aside for advertisements per season. In 2008, 30-second Super Bowl ads sold for $3 million (para 1). As exorbitant as this figure may sound, every single ad spot was sold and networks were pressured to provide more advertising slots. The reason, as Steinberg explains, is that advertising makes financial sense. The Super Bowl, for example, is viewed by almost 100 million people across the United States, with the implication being that Super Bowl ads give companies the opportunity to deliver their commercial message to 100 million people in just 30 seconds (Steinberg, para 6-8). Within the context of the stated, the $3 million figure is an investment in the popularisation of a brand/product and an attempt to persuade 100 million people to, at least, consider purchase. Accordingly, while most claim that they are unaffected by advertisements, the sums which companies invest in the purchase of prime-time advertisement spots tells a very different story. The power of advertisements does not only derive from their primetime placement but from their use of imagery. ... 185-186). For example, the images which Calvin Klein employs in its jeans ads are not just selected for the purpose of depicting the product but of portraying all that which may potentially be associated with the product. This includes sex appeal, charisma and an aura of success and popularity, among others. The point here is that the power of an advertisement and its ability to attract the attention of consumers is almost entirely dependant upon its use and selection of visuals. The fact that advertisements draw their power from images, rather than words, maximises their appeal and potential for attraction. As may be inferred from Moeller's analysis of the importance of imagery, the power of images lies in that they are open to interpretation and that viewers can, to an extent, impose their on meanings and values upon them (para 5-9). Unlike words where meaning is explicitly state, leaving little for the imposition of subjective interpretations, images provide viewers with the freedom to impose their own meaning and interpretations upon them. The implication here is that visuals can be personalized. Hence, the power of ads does not simply derive from the images which they use but from the fact that viewers have the freedom to impose personal meanings upon these images. Whether or not people choose to openly admit it, ads wield power. The imagery which they use influences our perceptions and their very presence provides us with media content. As Steve Hall explains, the production of media content is very costly and corporations only undertake the expenses involved for the purposes of profiting. Insofar as television content is concerned, whether sporting events or popular serials, advertisements cover the costs and generate the profits
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