Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Phase 4 - Understanding business drivers and improving business Essay - 1
Phase 4 - Understanding business drivers and improving business forecasts. 5-14 - Essay Example Subsidy can be used for spending on all commercially available telecommunication services, internet access and internal communications. The number of school lunch eligible students determines the funding for many federal and state education related programs. Moreover, subsidy rate also changes as per the changes in number. Internet access rate of rich and poor schools indicate a closing of the digital divide that occurred in the following years. The lack of impact on student performance is consistent with the Department of Education, it is reported that they are providing good training within the classroom. The emergence of internet subsidy by the US Government by providing major subsidies for internet and communication investment in schools also helps this. Based on the characteristics of the schools, the spending pattern of the subsidized program may change. Great sensitivity shows up by urban schools comparatively with rural. â€Å"E-Rate, created in 1996 by Congress, offers subsidies of 20 percent to 90 percent for buying telecommunications services like Internet connection fees and wiring classrooms. Under the program, paid from fees on telephone bills, the highest rates go to the poorest schools.†(Schwartz, John. 2003). Internet Target Marketing is facing increased competition from within the industry. It is allowed to provide unique products and solutions customized to the client needs. In E-Marketing design, consumers have changed the traditional marketing methods that are no longer effective. By developing and implementing a strategy that incorporates target marketing, online branding, customer development and retention, marketing positioning and branding, permission marketing and customer relation management. So the three aforesaid categories are correlated and to make assumptions on these. â€Å"A correlation between two variables is diluted in the presence of measurement error
Monday, October 28, 2019
Evaluating Compliance Strategies Essay Example for Free
Evaluating Compliance Strategies Essay The compliance process is critical when it pertains to the billing and coding process. It is imperative for Medical Insurance Specialist to remain current on the patient’s participation in contract as well as the medical insurance policies, so there will not be any billing errors. Maintaining a communication with the payer will also prevent billing errors. Such regulations and laws are in place for to protect the patient’s financial state, prevent errors of billing and coding, and to link procedures and diagnoses correctly. Becoming knowledgeable of the billing rules should also help prevent billing errors as well. In this assignment, I will discuss how important it is for medical staff to be knowledgeable of the billing and coding compliance strategies. The first strategy to compliance is to carefully define bundled codes and know global periods. This is important, medical insurance specialist must be knowledgeable of what global periods are for surgical procedures and what specific procedure is included in the bundled codes. The second strategy is to benchmark the practice’s E/M codes with national averages. This strategy helps when conducting comparisons with the national averages, because it helps to monitor upcoding. The third strategy is the use of appropriate modifiers. This strategy helps prevent double billing or unbundling. Modifiers such as -25, -59, and -91 are most important when billing in compliance. The fourth strategy is becoming clear on professional courtesy and discounts to uninsured/low income patients. Unfortunately, providers can no longer provide professional courtesy to patients per OIG’s Compliance Program Guidance for Individual and Small Group Physician Practices. However, if the patient may qualify for discounts if they are either uninsured or has low income. According to textbook Medical Insurance: An Integrated Claims Process Approach, â€Å"The practice’s method for selecting people to receive discounts should be documented in the compliance plan and in its policies and procedures information (Valerius, 2008). Lastly, maintaining a compliance job reference aid and documentation template can help with compliance. In other words, having a cheat sheet of commonly used CPT codes or diagnoses codes could help smooth the billing process. There are establishments in place to ensure that there is correct and appropriate coding. Programs such Medicare’s national Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) Policy Manual for Medicare Services provide manuals to help correct improper coding when billing for Medicare services.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Siddhartha - symbolism of the river :: essays research papers
Throughout the pilgrimage of Siddhartha’s life, he went through many different stages. In the beginning, we meet Siddhartha, The Brahmin’s Son. Siddhartha was very intelligent, but wanted to learn more. His mind was not full, and his soul was not at peace. He decided to become a Samana in order to fill his mind and set his soul at peace. He had a goal to become completely empty of thirst, desire, dreams, pleasure and sorrow. He had the idea that if he could completely lose Self, he would be content. During his time with the Samanas, Siddhartha heard about Gotama, the Buddha, and became distrustful of teachings and decided to leave the Samanas with the belief that what they could teach him was not good enough. He had to learn things for himself by experiencing them.      After listening to Gotama’s teachings, Siddhartha had an awakening. He thought, â€Å"The reason why I do not know anythng about myself, the reason why Siddhartha has remained alien and unknown to myself is due to one thing, to one single thingâ€â€I was afraid of myself, I was fleeing from myself.†He realized that he was seeking Brahman and wished to destroy himself rather than finding and getting to know himself. This awakening set Siddhartha onto another stage in his journey. During the beginning of this stage, Siddhartha saw things in a completely new way. He saw the sun rise and the stars for the first time. Siddhartha came upon a beautiful young woman, who very much helped lead him into the next step of his life.      Siddhartha believed that he loved her and that she loved him. She led him into thinking that he would be happy if he had money, nice clothes, and her. Siddhartha became a successful merchant and loved money. He believed that with money, he could have what he wanted. After all, was it not money that got him Kamala in the first place? The money that had gotten Siddhartha what he wanted began to destroy him.      Siddhartha began to think that this world of the riches he had become accustomed to was nothing but a game, as was the love he felt for Kamala. This belief led him into the next stage of his pilgrimage. Siddhartha believed that there was nothing left for him in life, and he wanted to end it, but from somewhere in his soul he heard the holy word Om and his soul suddenly, once again, was awakened.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Killer Whale
What is a killer whale? A killer whale is considered a whale to most people, but its is actually the largest of all dolphins and one of the most superior predators in the world (Killer Whale, National Geographic). The scientific name for a killer whale is Orcinus Orca. The killer whale falls into the kingdom Animalia, the phylum Chordata, the class Mammalia, and the order Cetacea (Killer Whales , NOAA). Killer whales or orcas are one of the most intelligent species world. Orca’s are widely distributed in all parts of the ocean even the tropics (Diagram A).The estimated population of a killer whale is fifty thousand to about one hundred thousand. (7 Things About Killer Whales, Take Part) . Killer whales are solid black and white, they also have a gray patch on their back called a â€Å"cape†or a â€Å"saddle†. The top(dorsal) side of the dolphin is black, including the pectoral flippers. The bottom (ventral) side is mostly white. The oval white spots behind the eyes are called â€Å"eyespots†. The size of a killer whale varies depending on the location of the dolphin. Adult killer whale females are smaller than adult males.A killer whale has a fusiform body shape. A fusiform body shape has less drag, which means that it is an efficient swimmer. The pectoral fin of a killer whale, which is very similar to a human hand (Diagram B), is used to steer and the flukes, or tails, are used to stop. The dorsal fin is used to help stabilize the whale when it swims at high speeds it is also encircled by veins to help manage the body temperature. The killer whale’s eyes are on both sides of the head, its about the same size of the eyes of the cow. The ears are a tiny opening just behind the eyes.Covered by a muscular flap is the blowhole, this is what the killer whale breathes through. (Physical Characteristics, Sea World). The killer whale has four senses taste, touch, hearing and eyesight. Killer whales do have taste buds, they prefer a specific food fishes. A killer whale has a very well developed sense of touch. Orcas have great vision both in and out of water. A marine mammals eyesight is grater than a land mammals. Often in the darker sides of the ocean their eyesight becomes weak and make its difficult to see their prey, in this case they use their sound receptors to navigate.Orcas have very well developed hearing. Recent studies have shown that orcas can hear up to 100kHz. The lower jaw of the killer whale also acts as a sound receptor (Diagram C). Killer whales do not have a sense of smell because the olfactory nerves and olfactory lobes of the brain aren’t present. Since they are air breathing mammals that spend most of their time underwater a sense of smell wouldn’t really come to use. (Senses, SeaWorld) Killer whales reproduce sexually. A female killer whale is sexually mature when it reaches fifteen to sixteen feet. Males are sexually mature when they reach eighteen to twenty feet.Baby kil ler whales are called calves. The gestation process for calves is seventeen months. Calves are born throughout the year but mostly during the summer time. Calves are born every five years. A calf weighs around three hundred to four hundred pounds and is approximately eight feet long. (Reproduction and Gestation, WhalesBC). Orcas are very conservative of their young. (Killer Whales, National Geographic). Killer whale are highly active predators. Orcas eat a wide variety of species, such as squids, sea mammals, and fish. These dolphins are one of the top predators in the ocean.Orcas eat a wide variety of fish, like fishes from the surface, such as salmon, to bottom dwelling species, such as halibut. Some orcas feed on marine mammals like walruses, baleen whale, sea lion, seals, and sometimes sea otters. Its common for killer whales to eat varieties of fish and squids , but very rarely they eat sea mammals. Adult Orcas eat about two to four percent of their body weight in food every da y(Food Preferences and Resources, Sea World). That is approximately about one hundred fifty to three hundred pounds of food a day(Killer Whales, MarineBio. Net).Growing calves eat more they eat as much as ten percent of their body weight. Killer whale hunt in groups or â€Å"pods†. A pod is a bunch of individuals moving together as a group. A pod size is different in all areas of the globe. Male, female and calves are often grouped together in pods. Orcas often work together to surround a group of small prey before attacking. When hunting a bigger species such as a whale , the pod of dolphins would attack from several different angles all at once. Orcas are called killer whales because they tend to eat mostly whatever is in their ath. Orcas have very sharp, cone shaped teeth used to rip and tear prey. (Methods of Collecting Food, Sea World). Killer whales use echolocation sound wave to communicate. Echolocation is the location of objects by reflected sounds. This is used in d olphins and bats. This is what the killer whales rely on to hunt in the dark, communicate, and to navigate. Some sounds a killer whale make are jaw claps , echolocation clicks, low-frequency pops, pulsed calls, and whistles . The orca makes this sound by moving the air between the nasal sacs in the blowhole area.Humans have a lot of impact on killer whales. Humans have always been interested in learning abut the killer whale, but not much research could be found on them. The first image of a killer whale was found on a cave drawing in Norway, its about 9000 years old. There are often false myths about killer whales, and many times this misinformation leads to harm for the whales. Killer whales have been often hunted for their meats, organs, and blubber. Before 1981, six thousand killer whales were taken by Japanese , Norwegian, and Soviet whalers. (Human Impact, Sea World).Killer whales have many adaptations like diving, respiration, thermoregulation, and sleep. Orcas are very fast swimmers in the water. They can swim up to twenty eight miles per hour. They usually swim eight miles per hour. Killer whales maneuver well in the ocean. When near the surface the killer whale stays under water for thirty seconds or less. Killer whales are also known for their diving tactics. They can dive one hundred meters in the ocean. Killer whales also use thermoregulation. Thermoregulation is also the process of regulating body temperature.Orcas are very warm blooded their body temperature is similar humans. The large size of a killer whale keeps the whale warm. Under the orcas skin is a very thick layer of blubber which helps protect the amount of heat loss. Killer whales have a high metabolism, which also creates a lot of body heat. The orcas circulatory system assist in keeping the body temperature in place. The arteries contain warm blood from the core of the body and the veins contain cool blood, heat is often transferred from the arteries to the eins (Diagram D shows how this happens). Killer whales have been observed to rest or â€Å"sleep†for short periods of time sometimes as long as eight hours during the night. Calves have been observed to rest for a lesser period of time. (Adaptations, Sea world) Since Killer whales have no predator they could live fifty to eighty years. The only predators killer whale’s have are human (Killer Whales, NOAA). There are many causes to the death of killer whales, one cause is disease. Ulcers, tumors, skin diseases , heart disease, and respiratory issues.Some killer whale have been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease, this is a cancer of lymph tissue found in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, bone marrow, and other sites. Orcas sometimes suffer from several infections. Parasites are another issue causing harm to the killer whales health. Some parasite are flukes, roundworm, and tapeworms. (Longevity and causes of death, Sea world) The killer whale, or orca, is the fastest of the marine mammals; i ts powerful tail flukes help propel it through the water. It is also the largest of all dolphins.Orcas can get very big, it is possible for then to weigh up to six tons. Some orcas grow twenty three to thirty two feet long. They have approximately forty to fifty cone-shaped teeth, that are up to four inches long. Not much is told about their age but some resources show that some killer whales that live in the wild are about thirty to eighty years old. Killer whales have a widely spread population they are found in all parts of the oceans. Orcas have a counter shaded color pattern, they have a solid black top, and a solid white bottom with an oval shaped white spot which is called an â€Å"eyespot†.The dorsal fin for adult male are triangle shapes and can be up to six feet high. On the other hand a female dorsal fin is slightly curved, and that can grow up to three feet high. Orcas are considered to be one of the top predators in the ocean. Killer whales eat a variety of fish , seals, whales, sea lions, squid, and seabirds. Research shows that killer whales are capable of ripping seals of ice. Whales hunt in a group called â€Å"pods†. There are two types of pods residential and transient. Residential prefer to hunt fish and transient prefer to hunt marine mammals.Orcas use echolocation to find food, this technique is also used by bats. Orcas give birth every three to five years in the wild. Females carry their young for seventeen months. Baby orcas or calves are born up to eight feet long and can weight up to four hundred pounds. Orcas are highly protective of their young. These â€Å"pods†communicate with different noises. Killer whales are very intelligent. There has never been a document case on a killer whale attacking a human. (Twenty interesting facts about killer whales, Angela W. LaFon)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Courtly Love
Utopia: Suicide and Euthanasia utopia by Sir Thomas More portrays similar and different ways the society of today manages suicide and euthanasia. Some of the similarities that will be considered are as follows: helping the terminally ill pass comfortably, encouraging the terminally ill to quit their suffering and move on, and having the ill cared for that can be cured. The difference that will be considered is that of how suicide is seen In the utopian society versus that of todafs society.To start wth, todays society and the utopian society are slmllar by taking care of the sick. nd helping individuals become cured, Utopia society tried to help cure the sick, and kept them stable until they were healed. More states, â€Å"As I said before, the sick are carefully tended, and nothing Is neglected In the way of medicine or diet which might cure In todays society, there are doctor's offices and hospitals that help do the same as the utopian society. Doctor's prescribe medications, and statt at the hospital helps individuals until they are healthier.Encouraging the terminally Ill to end their suffering and move on s practiced In both the utopian society and todays society. The Individuals In both societies still receive treatment and care. More states, â€Å"Everything possible is done to mitigate the pain of those who are suffering from Incurable diseases; and visitors do their best to console them by sitting and talking with Utopian society tried to encourage the terminally ill to end their suffering through priest and public officials.More states, â€Å"But it the disease is not only incurable but excruciatingly and constantly painful, then the priest and public officials corne and urge the Invalid not to endure such agony any In todays society, doctors in the hospital and hospice o the same in encouraging terminally ill to move on and not sutter anymore. Doctor's encourage Individuals to consider becoming DNR, or do not resuscitate This does not mean do not treat. The Individuals that choose the DNR status are stating that they want a natural death.By being made a DNR status, the patient is making the declslon to mcwe on. Likewise, utopian society and todays society helped the Individual pass comfortably. The Individuals In the utopian society would â€Å"starve themselves to death or, having been put to sleep, are freed from life without any ensation ot utopian society believed in euthanasia as a way ot helping end suffering In the terminally Ill. In todays society, when a doctor sees that a patient Is at the end of life, and is suffering, the doctor will suggest comfort measures only.Comfort measures only consist of keeping the patient comfortable at all times, and generally Include high doses of medications that Include antianxiety and narcotics. These patients tend to expire very peacefully second to the medication they receive intravenously. Utopian society and todays society views suicide differently. In topian society, when an individual decides to commit suicide, it is not taken kindly to, unless the individual did It due to the fact he was terminally Ill.More states, †under these circumstances. when death is advised by the authorities, they consider selt-destruction honorable. But the suicide, who takes his own lite without the thrown his body, unburied and disgraced, into a bog. †(624). In todays society, suicide is not an appropriate means of expiration no matter the circumstances. Doctors in todays society try to seek help for individuals that have even thoughts of suicide, but ave not acted on those thought yet.However, if one chooses to commit suicide, the body is not Just tossed aside, but is given to the family members to either bury or cremate. Todays society and the utopian society have similar and different ways euthanasia and suicide are managed. Sir Thomas More depicts this in his work Utopia. Both societies are similar in the way each encourages the terminally ill to move on, helping the terminally ill move on comfortably, and helping those curable become better. The difference is the way each views suicide, and the consequence of the suicidal act.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Intellectual Life of Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla Essays
The Intellectual Life of Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla Essays The Intellectual Life of Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla Paper The Intellectual Life of Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla Paper Eventually he came to the conclusion, based upon what he had observed while traveling, as well as what he had read, that political reform was necessary for social and economic reforms to occur. [7] During the course of this essay, numerous aspects concerning the life of Miguel Hidalgo y Castillo will be examined. This will include his education, work experience, life experiences, as well as several of the works he read and studied. A transformation from student to priest to revolutionary will be observed In this essay, with the focus on the intellectual life of Miguel Hidalgo y Castillo. Miguel Hidalgo y Cocktails educational experience began at the same place he was born, the estate of San Diego Corral. As a boy he helped with the dally agricultural duties. The years he spent living In this fashion gave Hidalgo an appreciation for agricultural work, and allowed him to understand the viewpoint of lower class Mexicans. [8] Once Hidalgo reached fourteen years of age, his father sent him to study at the Royal and Primitive College of San Noels Obis, In Validly. Founded In 1540 by the Jesuits, the College of San Noels was a common seminary for middle class Mexicans. It was here where Hidalgo focused his learning In ecclesiastical studies and philosophy. [9] Considering Hidalgo sagacity and saneness Nils classmates at San Nicolas Selenga NV ten complementary nickname el Zero, or the Fox. In 1767, however, the Jesuits were removed from San Nicolas ND secular clergy gained authority. [10] The students who attended this institution did not restrict themselves to the curriculum offered, but were active in smuggling in books that had been banned. Reading and studying these books rounded the students overall experience of literature. The books provided by the church and schools were often dry and boring, while the banned books offered interesting topics and inspiration. They were often written by French philosophers or poets. It has been claimed that a new social philosophy had been developed and widely accepted, thus fueling the ambitions of he revolutionists and speeding up the independence movement during its development. [11] In 1770, at the age of seventeen, Hidalgo and his brother Joaquin traveled to the City of Mexico Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico to receive their first Bachelor of Arts degree. Following this accomplishment, Hidalgo spent time in Validly where he lectured in Latin, Philosophy, and the principles of Theology at San Nicolas. [12] In 1773 Hidalgo returned to the University of Mexico for his second Bachelor degree in Theology. In 1774 Hidalgo won a prize for the best dissertation on the The True Method of Studying Theology. Then in 1778 he was ordained as a priest either in Validly or the City of Mexico. [13] During, as well as following, his academic career Hidalgo spent the majority of his time in Validly. His occupations included Rector of the college of San Nicolas, teacher, and cleric. It has been stated that many of the heroes of the revolutionary period were native of Validly or its vicinity, or were at one time resident there. Beginning in 1785 in Claim, Hidalgo engaged himself in parochial work, and in 1793 took the position of curate of the parish church in San Fillip. 14] It was in the year 1800 that the inquisition became suspicious of Hidalgo. He was denounced by Fray Joaquin Hushes for unorthodox utterances. A report issued thereafter by the Anchorman commissioner claimed that Hidalgo was a most learned man who had ruined himself with gambling and women, that he had read prohibited books and while a professor of theology he had taught from Jansenism works. [15] As no hard evidence of these accusations surfaced, the paperwork was filed away for future reference. In 1801, Hidalgo began his travels around the provincial internal (interior provinces) of Mexico. This was done out of spite against the inquisition so they could not keep such a close an eye on him. However, this proved useful in his learning experience of what kinds of conditions his fellow Mexicans were living under because of Spanish rule. During these two years Hidalgo used the knowledge he had gained from studying the prohibited French books in order to figure out what was going on politically and economically in Mexico at the time. He noticed the old Spaniards, or white colonists of pure Spanish blood or birth, who held offices in the government or were involved in business that yielded them comfortable amounts of money. He also noticed the Indians, those of pure native ancestry; creoles; mulattos; sambas, natives mixed with Negroes, also called Chinos; and African Negroes. [16] These people were usually sequestrated or enslaved Dye ten 010 Spaniards once Hidalgo Ana Tuna ten cause of the unhappiness of his people, he now had to figure out a way to change everything so his countrymen could be equal. From the prohibited books Hidalgo read, he knew that without political reforms economic and social reforms would not be possible. 17] These books that Hidalgo had read were by many different authors, mostly French. Hidalgo enjoyed works from the seventeenth century such as La Fontanne. He translated tragedies by Racine and comedies by Moldier (Tartuffe being his favorite). He was also very interested in Bouquets Discourse on Universal History because of the aspect of Divine Providence. [18] It was through these works of literature, among other factors, that inspired Hidalgo with revolutionary thoughts and steered him in the direction of leading a revolt against the Spanish government controlling Mexico. The first work to be analyzed is Molders Tartuffe. Tartuffe is a verse comedy in five acts. During the time period Tartuffe was written there were two different views of Christian morality at odds. One was a mild and tractable view, while the other was more of an austere and puritanical view, the latter condemning all instinct and pleasure as evil thus leading to a police state mentality. [19] The first version of Tartuffe, with only three acts, was attacked with violence leading Moldier to be viewed as a demon fit for hanging, and was promptly banned. 20] The play was promoted secretly through private performances and readings, and in 1667 opened publicly again under the title The Imposter, with the hypocrites name changed to Panel, to once more be banned immediately. In February of 1669 Moldier finally caught a break and the ban was lifted leading Tartuffe to become a great success. The two main characters in Tartuffe are Tartuffe and Argon. Argon is the head of a well to do family living on a grand estate. Argons daughter Marianne is to marry Vale ©re, a man whom she loves deeply and is loved the same in return. However, Tartuffe, a hypocrite posing as a religious dignitary who had lost his way and was living in poverty, has imposed himself on Argon and his family. During his stay on he estate he aids Argon with guidance while acting as his dearest friend. Tartuffe is so successful in doing so that Argon is ready to break his promise to Vale ©re for want of Marianne to marry Tartuffe instead. The only other person in the play who Tartuffe captivates is Madame Personnel, everyone else sees through Tartuffe scheme. Argons bullheadedness leads him to refuse to take anyones advice that is not in agreement with his decisions. Not only does Argon disown his son Dams, but he also attempts to force Marianne to marry Tartuffe that very night. In a desperate attempt to place an end on Argons insanity, Elmira, Argons wife, asks Argon to bear witness to see Tartuffe infidelity. Earlier in the day, since Tartuffe had made an advance on Elmira, she knew that he would accept her advance on him. Argon then hides under a table and Elmira summons Tartuffe. When Tartuffe arrives she seduces him, and right before an indiscretion is about to take place, Argon appears from under the table and tells Tartuffe to leave. Argon thus makes amends with his family, and proceeds to inform Vale ©re that he intends to make good on his promise for him to wed Marianne. When all seems well, the bailiff Monsieur Loyal comes to the door to speak with argon on laureate T According too writ Trot ten Klan ten Tamely Is to vacate the estate by the following day so Tartuffe can move in. This occurs because of a contract Argon had previously signed with Tartuffe under false pretenses. Following this news, Vale ©re arrives to take Argon away because of a warrant for his arrest. As they are about to escape the kings guards arrive with Tartuffe. When Tartuffe is denounced by Argon, the kings guards turn to take Tartuffe to prison and notify him that the king does not adhere well to imposter; also that good deeds are remembered more favorably than bad. Apparently Tartuffe has prior deceits that were not Justified and after he had gone to the king they were remembered. The deed to Argons estate is then given back to its rightful owner, and the hypocrite is sent to prison. The underlying factors involved in Tartuffe are human values, gullibility, sensuality, as well as arrant hypocrisy. [21] The overall theme is to show the modest values of human decency threatened in the name of piety. This can be connected to the way that Hidalgo felt when the inquisition began to take note of his reading material, and the unorthodox ideas he was accused of teaching. It connects to how the Holy Office, and Spanish authorities, took control over Mexico and other colonies furthering their gain while the indigenous people, mixed races, and creoles did not advance in the same way. While Hidalgo spent two years traveling the provincial internal, it can be thought that Tartuffe came to mind every time Hidalgo saw a family that was enslaved or living in poverty. This would have opened his eyes to the governments hypocrisy towards the people of Mexico. The Holy Office, government, and Inquisition claimed that they were bettering the country, and colonies of Spain. In reality, they were repressing the Mexican people by not allowing them to obtain an education or access to occupations with dignified titles, thus driving them into poverty . In Hidalgo mind it can be assumed that he saw the government as Tartuffe, the people of Mexico as the other characters in Tartuffe, and those with the control to revolutionize Mexico, yet allowing the injustices to keep occurring, as Argon and Madame Personnel. Another famous play studied and translated by Hidalgo was Raciness Thales. This has been claimed as Raciness most original work because he was able to express his elisions convictions and piety. Racine took the base of Thales from the Old Testament story of Josh, which tells how Josh was brought to the throne as descendent of David (2 Kings 11 and 2 Chronicles 22-23). The background to this leads one to the murder of Thalamis son Isaiah by Juju, who was appointed by God to exterminate all the followers of Ball. To avenge this murder, Tallish killed all her grandchildren in order to discontinue the race of David. Her stepdaughter Jehovah, however, managed to save Josh and raise him under a different name with her husband, the high priest Jihad. They were successful in raising Josh and teaching him everything about religion and royalty, knowing that someday they would reveal his true identity so he could take the throne. When news surfaces that Tallish wants to destroy the temple, Jihad receives help from the Levities to declare Josh king and remove Tallish from the throne. This is where Thales begins. In short, Thales is a play that removes one ruler from the throne (Tallish) to place ten relating Klan (Joann) In power. I Nils Is done In order to stop a catastrophe from happening (the destruction of the temple). The Levities are convinced to help make this shift of power executed, and in the end execute Tallish. The theme of this play is revolution and can connect to Hidalgo Grit De Dolores. On September 15, 1810, Hidalgo called the townspeople into the church and from the pulpit led a speech about how the Spaniards stole the lands belonging their forefathers three hundred years prior. Then he continued to proclaim that control over Mexico was going to be handed to Napoleon in France. He spoke of danger threatening their religion, as well as oppression. In response to Hidalgo speech the embers of th e community recited in unison, Viva nesters Senora De Guadalupe! Mummer Los sappiness! translated as, Long live our lady of Guadalupe! Perish the bad government, perish the Spaniards! [22] These reactions to major changes that can be thought of as catastrophes, in Thales and in Hidalgo speech, although different in time and place are similar in substance. Ultimately, if Hidalgo was studying and translating the tragedies of Racine, revolution was a concept that he was familiar with, at least in terms of French tragedies. In La Fountains A Hundred Fables there are many lessons to be learned. About one hundred of them at that. These lessons range from how there is honor in telling the truth even though by lying you may get what you want, to how setting a pace will win you the race. These are all good life lessons that are taught through Jovial, anecdotal fables. One example a lesson taught from the fable entitled The Ass Who Bore Relics. The ass had a martyrs bone and when he walked past the people he accepted the pomp and circumstance that was being presented because of the relic. Eventually, someone pointed out that it was not he who they bowed to, but the relic. The last line was, So with an ignorant magistrate or mayor: The mans a dolt, but we salute his gown. [23] Another fable entitled, The Old Man and His Sons, teaches a lesson of strength in numbers. Based upon Hidalgo actions, one may think that he enjoyed reading these short fables because they teach valuable lessons. One could learn how to live a happier life by gaining understanding of them. As Hidalgo may be a man described as valuing equality, and giving credit where credit is due, these fables may have helped to influence his notice of the injustices being performed by the Spaniards, as well as he Holy Office. La Fountains Bawdy: Of Libertines Louts and Lechers is another collection of fables that teach valuable lessons. These lessons are a bit more sensual and deal mostly with adultery, incest, fornication to every degree of wrongness, lying and deceit. These fables may have had more of an influence on Hidalgo private life. He was known as a man being free in his treatment of women, he also enjoyed gambling and continual amusement, so much so one complained that in the house of this Hidalgo there has been enough riotous celebration to turn it into a little Finally we come to Jacques-B ©engine Bouquets Discourse on Universal History. Bouquets included in this discourse three different sections. The first section dealt with certain time periods dealing with Christian or religious events such as the Creation, the Flood, the birth of Jesus Christ, and Charlemagne. Part two focused on spectral people Ana rulers sun as Dramas, David, Solomon, Laurelled, as well as religious themes. Part three focused on the empires throughout history including the Egyptians, Assyrian, Persians, Greeks, and the Roman Empire. This discourse is Bouquets personal view on history and Christianity. As Bouquets analyzes the different stories of the bible and major events in a vast amount of history, he puts his own spin on events that took place and how they evolved. Divine Providence is used throughout the discourse to prove that religion (Christianity) will prevail, also that God alone can subject everything to his This idea of Divine Providence also shows that when people start something revolutionary, unforeseen things happen. This is all under Gods control, but God needs someone to get the ball rolling before the revolution can be completed. Since Bouquets was Hidalgo favorite historian, one should easily realize that Hidalgo enjoyed Christianizes history and was a true believer in God and his will being done on earth. [26] Since Bouquets focused much of his writings on the rise and fall of empires it would only be natural for Hidalgo to obtain some ideas of how to stir up a revolution in Mexico. Hidalgo always exhibited a strong will in things that he accomplished throughout his life in his education, and occupation as clergy. He never had a hard time gathering followers, and with this factor on his side he knew that all he had to do was lead them at the right place at the right time to go against he forces he deemed repressive. He used the will of God to persuade them, along with facts that were prevalent at the time, and proved very successful. If Bouquets was alive today he would have most likely included Hidalgo rebellion in his subsequent Discourse on Universal History, The Fall of the Spanish Colonies. In January of 1803 Hidalgo brother Joaquin died and Miguel inherited the position as curate of the church of Dolores. The Cure De Dolores is the position that Hidalgo is best known for in history. [27] As the curate, Hidalgo did many things to help the Indians of the neighboring haciendas. He used his knowledge to establish lucrative business opportunities for them in order to assist with their finances. Mulberry trees were planted to cultivate silkworm, with the intention to eventually manufacture the silk produced. Hidalgo taught the Indians to tan hides and produce quality leather goods. A factory was established to produce substantial earthenware, and he also taught the Indians how to make better bricks than the sun dried adobes to which they were accustomed. In the process of teaching the Indians these new trades he was breaking them from the tradition of pursuing occupations as slaves, ND promoting them to search for occupations traditionally held by free people. [28] These acts of charity and educating others worked to his benefit in winning the hearts of his parishioners. These acts of advancement in Dolores did not go unnoticed, however. The government dispatched special agents to go and destroy the business Hidalgo had created, because they had not sanctioned the commerce created by his ingenuity. They chopped down the mulberry trees and sabotaged the other advancements Hidalgo worked so hard to establish. Hidalgo, now in his fifties, still continued to expand his studies. He read more French philosophical works, as well as studied the sciences and political economy. In 1805 Hidalgo traveled to the City of Mexico and learned more of the political difficulties the government was running into concerning expropriations of church llanos Issued In 1804. It was rater tons vaults to ten C TTY AT Mexico Tanat Hidalgo acacia he would be ultimately forced to wage a war for independence against the government, in order to stop the injustices the politicians were performing against the Mexican people. On May 4, 1808, the inquisition reopened its case against Hidalgo, this time with a ore serious accusation. A woman who had lived with Hidalgo claimed that he had told her that someone other than Christ was who had died on the cross, and that no hell existed. The reason for telling her there was no hell was because they were to provide each other with sex partners he provide her with men, and she provide him with women and this was supposed to Justify that agreement. [29] Since there seemed to be a lack of evidence supporting these accusations, the charges were not pursued. Less than one year later, however, Hidalgo was accused of being in possession of orbited books that would have profoundly influenced him in French thought. These charges declared that Hidalgo had read and studied works of Cicero, Series, Calmest, El natal Alexandra, Rolling, Bouquets and Buffoon, also having translated the tragedies of Racine and the comedies of Moil ©re. [30] In 1810 additional charges were then brought against Hidalgo, claiming that he committed blasphemy, heresy, and made professions of Lathers doctrines. With the authorities closing in on Hidalgo, and people all throughout Mexico beginning to stir at the idea of independence, Hidalgo knew that the revolution had to start immediately. On September 15, 1810, Hidalgo called his congregation to the church of Dolores in the early hours of the morning. It was here he issued his Grit De Dolores calling his countrymen to fight for independence against bad government in the name of the lady of Guadalupe. [31] Thus the Mexican revolution of 1810 began, with Miguel Hidalgo y Castillo leading his fellow Mexicans in a fight for independence. Miguel Hidalgo y Castillo had a comprehensive education. As aforementioned, he attended to two excellent schools, the College of San Nicolas as well as the University f Mexico. He dominated in his studies and sagacity earning him the nickname el Zero, one that continued with him all his life. [32] The works he enjoyed studying most were those of French writers which influenced him with French thought. Many were fictional works with underlying meanings, themes, and valuable lessons, that shone through and influenced Hidalgo in his opinions and actions throughout his life. From these works, as well as the education he received, he obtained ideas of equality, Justice, rightful leadership, and most importantly rebellion.
Monday, October 21, 2019
None_provided Essays - Industrial Revolution, Criticism Of Science
None_provided Essays - Industrial Revolution, Criticism Of Science None_provided The use and rapid growth of technology has often be seen to many of the working class as a bad omen, like a cancer it spreads and gradually, one surcum to the inevitable. One occasion which arose and was met with resilience occured in England in 1811 when the revolutionary crop machine became the center of attention. A group of disgruntled workers from various textiles industries, called the Luddites formed a secret community of machine breakers. They used their primitive weapons to try and destroy the textile mills and machines that were believed to be the root of their problem. The Luddite's believed their skill and pride in their work made them a unique commodity and was one of the differences between them and the machines. Their skills have been passed from generation, to generation; in essence it is a direct trait of their identity. The craftsmen felt the machines were not as skilled as they were, therefore if they were to operate these machines they would probably lose their valuable skill and identity to become slaves to the machine. Work they once did in the house would now have to be done in textiles, which the luddites opposed because it housed poor working conditions. Work breaks that were left up to their discretion was to be timed, and the amount of work was based on a machine that could last longer than workers. Hence, it is easy to get the impression why the luddiets wanted to destroy the machines. In his book Society and Technological Change Rudi Volti expressed the belief that the luddites feared loosing their jobs to the dreadful revolutionary crop machine is not necessarily the main or only reason behind the attacks. That is not to say that fear of the new machines did not exist or contribute to the Luddite attacks, only that there were many other contributing factors. For example the Luddite attacks began in the hosiery trades, because of the long held opposition to the use of wide stocking frames that allowed employment of cheaper unskilled workers. Volti surmised this could have been handle peacefully had it not been for the dire economic conditions that existed at the time. Mainly due to the Napoleonic Wars which resulted in a general trade depression. A series of bad harvest caused a supply and demand, the amount of good harvest was scarce but the demand was high therefore raising the price for food dramatically. Due to theses conditions the Luddites sadly realized their wages were not enough to met their families basic needs. These events were followed by the shearers and handloom weavers in the weaving industry, who feared the advancement of the steam powered weaving machinery. In the crop ping trade the attacks were done to express the prevention of technological advances. The attack was simply based on the fear of unemployment based on technological changes. Although the film expressed the reason for the Luddite attacks were solely based on the so-called techno-fear is simply not true. The fear of low wages and unemployment due to the revolutionary technology did exist, however that is by far the only factor. Fear of possible unemployment and low wages were only contributing factors to the Luddite revolution, the economic conditions of the time were the main reasons for these attacks and fears. Volti stated that if the economic conditions were not so bad these attacks could have been avoided trough collective bargaining.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Quotes About Courage From the Cowardly Lion
Quotes About Courage From the Cowardly Lion The Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz lives up to his name, at least at the beginning of the 1939 film. We eventually learn that hes not really a coward; rather, he thinks he is because he doesnt ​believe in himself. Before all is said and done, the Cowardly Lion performs several courageous acts without realizing his bravery. The Cowardly Lion Is Caught Faking Bravery The first time the Lion encounters Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man, Dorothy smacks him on the nose for being a bully. She quickly realizes hes all bluster: Dorothy: My goodness, what a fuss youre making! Well, naturally, when you go around picking on things weaker than you are. Why, youre nothing but a great big coward!Cowardly Lion: [crying] Youre right, I am a coward! I havent any courage at all. I even scare myself. [sobbing] Look at the circles under my eyes. I havent slept in weeks!Tin Man: Why dont you try counting sheep?Cowardly Lion: That doesnt do any good, Im afraid of em. The Cowardly Lions Funny Fear Quote The Cowardly Lion doesnt usually let his nervousness keep him from doing the right thing. He has a sense of humor about it, too. In one scene, he wants to be brave and save Dorothy but has to make a joke first: Cowardly Lion: All right, Ill go in there for Dorothy. Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch, guards or no guards, Ill tear them apart. I may not come out alive, but Im going in there. Theres only one thing I want you fellows to do.Tin Man and Scarecrow: Whats that?Cowardly Lion: Talk me out of it! The Cowardly Lion Shows His Bravery By the time he encounters the Wicked Witchs palace guards, the Lion has had enough. If hes afraid, he doesnt show it (we suspect that he is but is putting on a brave front): Cowardly Lion: Put em up, put em up! Which one of you first? Ill fight you both together if you want. I’ll fight you with one paw tied behind my back. I’ll fight you standing on one foot. I’ll fight you with my eyes closed...oh, pullin’ an axe on me, eh? Sneaking up on me, eh? The Cowardly Lions Thoughts on Courage In his most famous song, the Lion muses on what it would be like if he had courage (not realizing he already has plenty): Cowardly Lion: [singing]Im afraid theres no denyinIm just a dandy-lionA fate I dont deserveIm sure I could show my prowessBe a lion, not a mouseIf I only had the nerve Just before meeting the Wizard in the Emerald City, the Cowardly Lion muses about what it would be like to be the king of the forest, imagining that everyone would respect and fear him: Dorothy: Your Majesty, if you were king, you wouldnt be afraid of anything?Cowardly Lion: Not nobody! Not nohow!Tin Man: Not even a rhinoceros?Cowardly Lion: Imposerous!Dorothy: How about a hippopotamus?Cowardly Lion: Why, Id thrash him from top to bottomus!Dorothy: Supposing you met an elephant?Cowardly Lion: Id wrap him up in cellophane!Scarecrow: What if it were a brontosaurus?Cowardly Lion: Id show him who was king of the forest!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Critical Review of an Environmental Hazard Term Paper
Critical Review of an Environmental Hazard - Term Paper Example The earth crust mainly consists of two layers; the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. These are two distinct layers in density and composition and cause instability beneath the earth surface. The earth crust comprises of various igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks forming tectonic plates. (Cain 2009) The plates found on top of the mantle which is the second layer of the earth, and it is believed that convection of rocks at this region causes sliding of plates. Under the oceans, we have the oceanic crust, a sheet different from the continental crust which is thinner unlike the continental one. Tsunami is a Japanese word meaning â€Å"harbor wave’ and is the vertical displacement of oceanic water triggered by other environmental hazards like earthquakes. (Cocke. et al 2007) Water gushes from the oceans at high velocity extending towards the continental crust and causes havoc. This paper aims at illustrating the environmental hazard tsunami, its consequences and how the w orld has reacted towards the management of its effects. The natural hazard tsunami will be expounded geologically, and its trigger action discussed at length. Also, case studies on the tsunami will be identified and analyzed for probable information that help in enlightening individuals on various measures to solve the menace brought about by this immense natural catastrophe. Tsunami is triggered by earthquakes that cause uplift r subsidence of the ocean floor, underwater landslides, volcano flank collapse or explosions of under water machines like submarines. DISCUSSION Case studies On critical analysis of the case study by Shi & Smith on the topic: "Coastal Tsunami Geo-Morphological Impacts and Sedimentation Process: Case Studies of Modern Prehistoric Events.†Coastal flooding risk study interests the engineers, planners and politicians alike. Tsunami categorically represents a radical, serious form of coastal flooding risk. Asian countries like Japan and China are strongly associated with this phenomenon. This has been on gradual increase among the researchers describing a sequence of waves that pass through the ocean with outstandingly extended wavelengths. This occurs along a series of thousand of miles along the ocean and on approaching the coastline, the speed of the wave’s decreases due to deformation by shallower water depths. As the process of deformation occurs, the waves increase in height significantly and on reaching the coastline causes massive flooding in the low lying coastal area. This leads to destruction of property and natural phenomenon. Tsunamis are not tidal waves and are not related to changes in weather but rather the instability in the earth’s crust. (Shi & Smith 2003) This case study illustrates various occurrences of tsunamis like the Flores tsunami which was generated by 1992 Indonesian earthquake, the 1998 Papa new Guinea tsunami and the Holocene Stroregga Tsunami caused by a catastrophic sub-marine landslide of Storegga, Norway at circa. The occurrence of Tsunamis is associated with catastrophic flooding leading to widespread destruction of property, infrastructure and industrial installations and loss of life. It is not widely understood of the occurrence of these catastrophic happenings; these case studies only illustrate the extent of flooding, and the geo-morphological impact variance along the coastal line. It is imperative that estimating the impact
Tata Group Global Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Tata Group Global Business - Assignment Example Since Ratan Tata took leadership of the company, till his retirement in 2012 and the current president, Tata Group of companies has been headed by a common chairman to enable centralization. The Group Corporate Centre (GCC) and Group Executive Office (GEO) have been two crucial bodies involved in decision making of the Tata Group, to direct and define its business endeavours (Goldstein, 2007). It has a board that is chaired by the head of Tata group currently Mr Cyrus Mysty, who took over from Ratan Tata and consist of a CEO and a team of directors. That is just but the top executive of the conglomerate of companies. According to One World Trust, Tata group takes the form of an informal supra- organizational structure; such that it’s distinct high level corporate GEO and GCC has managing directors from Tata group companies, and allow various Tata companies to operate as separate legal entities with their own structures (n.d.).In its hierarchical structure, Tata group has diffe rent enterprises that operate in specific sectors and which also have their affiliate companies, either wholly acquired or merged with other local or foreign companies. For example, Tata Steel Company, Tata Motors, Tata Tele-Services and Tata Power among others. Each of the companies has their own shareholders and managing director, and an independent board of directors with a chairperson that are held accountable to (, n.d.). Similarly, each of these companies organization structure may be modified with time., depending on the number of mergers and acquisitions. Some of Tata enterprises have very committed committees that address varying issues necessary for the company. For example, departments in an enterprise could depend on audit, remuneration, ethics, and compliance committees to support their function. In 2008, some of Tata enterprises like the TSC and Tata Steel unveiled new organization structure that enhanced company integration. Focusing on the Tata Steel G roup, which consist of Corus group limited and Tata steel, it has a strategy and integration committee headed by the Tata Group of companies chairman (initially Mr Ratan Tata), its hierarchical structure of management begins with the Board, managing director (M.D.), as well
Friday, October 18, 2019
The purpose of the study is to determine if long-term reductions in Dissertation
The purpose of the study is to determine if long-term reductions in employee compensation, benefits, and incentives directly aff - Dissertation Example Having a clear understanding of the motivation of employees is tremendously significant to managers as well as the supervisors, particularly in the industries today where the limited budgets make it complicated to reward workers monetarily. The supervisors have to possess a clear idea of how the monetary incentives can motivate the employees to work harder in an organization (Bin Saeed, 1985). In order to analyze the effect of the long-term reductions in employee compensation, benefits, and incentives directly affecting the State of Colorado workers’ motivation, job satisfaction and morale, it is important to include the two well-known motivational theories i.e. Herzberg’s two factor theory (1959) as well as Adam’s equity theory (1963), into the project’s theoretical framework. The Herzberg’s Two-factor theory (1959), also commonly known as the motivation-hygiene theory, implies that there are certain factors at a workplace that result in job satisf action, while an entirely different set of factors cause employee dissatisfaction (Herzberg, 1959). According to the theory, employee motivation is influenced by two distinct factors. Psychological well-being and satisfaction were factors of the ‘motivation factors’, while dissatisfaction resulted from the ‘hygiene factors’. ... n the other hand, employee dissatisfaction is usually a result of missing extrinsic motivation factors or the hygiene factors, that include pay, security, conditions, and so on (Wigdor & House, 2006). If we take into consideration the decrease in hygiene factors of the State Workers for e.g. pay, security, and fringe benefits we see that over the previous 3 fiscal years (2007-2010) there was a decrease in typical intrinsic motivators (opportunities of advancement, statewide hiring, and promotion freeze). Herzberg’s theory helps explains the reasons for lack of motivation among the Colorado employees and their consistent job dissatisfaction. As the hygiene factors decrease, the employees lose their motivation to work and this is presumably characteristic of the department of EHS at CSU, since a steady decline in their motivational levels, job satisfaction and productivity is seen. Herzberg’s two factor theory can also be connected to Maslow’s levels of hierarchy i n order to provide comprehensive understanding of the fact that negligent incentives can contribute to employee dissatisfaction. Abraham H. Maslow made an effort to devise a needs-based structure of human motivation. Moreover, White & Pierce (2000) also imply that the foundation of Maslow’s motivation theory suggests that human beings are pushed forward by unsatisfied wants, and that some lower factors need to be fulfilled before higher needs can be satisfied. According to Maslow, the needs can be divided into certain categories such as physiological, survival, safety, love, and esteem, that must be fulfilled before a person can act selflessly. He gave these needs the name of "deficiency needs" (White & Pierce, 2000). Relating the research of Maslow as well as Herzberg, we understand that their
Discussing the benefits and costs of such a metallic monetary system Essay
Discussing the benefits and costs of such a metallic monetary system for an aspiring new country - Essay Example In as much as metallic money has its advantages, it also has its dark sides. For metallic money to be effective in any country, it requires a large amount of gold and silver (Poor, 121). Since gold and silver are highly valued metals, there are used in place of monetary value. This can, however, be an expensive the metallic monetary system, for a young nation. The initial cost of producing metallic money is also expensive because of the machinery and equipment used, and the high labor cost required. This can be a burden to the country’s resources. Due to the expensive nature of gold and silver used in production of metallic money, their circulation in the economy can be limited. A new nation cannot afford to purchase a large number of these metals. It is hard to make metallic money distinctive enough so that large denomination of money can be produced (Poor, 127). There are few metals used to make money and so a limited color choice. Metallic money is, therefore, not desirable to make large denomination of money. . Metallic money is a durable type of money system. To a new country, this is advantageous because the nation will spend once on their manufacture. The metals are highly resistant to wear and tear as compared to paper money (Poor, 120). This is because most of the metals used to make money are combined with other metals to make alloys which make them last longer. In the long run, the metallic monetary system can be cheaper to produce and are cheaper to count as compared to paper money. Metal money is valuable. The main metals used for making metal money are gold and silver, which are expensive metals. The value of the currency of a nation will still be controlled by gold and silver, which hardly lose value in the world. Therefore, if a new nation decides to use metallic monetary system, its currency will be stable for a long time. Metallic money is made from gold and silver, which are very expensive. This will make the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
UDF (United Dairy Farmers) Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
UDF (United Dairy Farmers) Analysis - Assignment Example This ice-cream has been known for its heavy use of fresh condiments and low overrun. In 1984, the UDF Homemade Brand of ‘Cookies N Cream’ was designated by People Magazine as the Number One Brand of Exotic Ice Cream across Canada and the USA. Following this endorsement, UDF Brand ice creams have increased in popularity and can be found in many states in the mid-central region of the USA. The business has expanded to Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia and Virginia. UDF also produces and sells Frosty Malts and Sherbets, Special Recipe ice-creams, yogurts and milk shakes (UDF Website, History Section). Identification of Risks The making and selling of ice-creams is an exciting business but is nevertheless fraught with different types of risks. Some of these are natural but others are manmade. Consequently, some of the risks can be covered by insurance a nd other safety and security procedures while others just have to be borne or dealt with. In my interview with the manager, I determined that the following risks were most relevant to UDF’s ice-cream related business: a. Risk of long power failure and melting of inventory; b. Risk of legal action due to foreign objects found in products; c. Risk of contamination of ice cream due to chemical agents; d. Risk of ice cream parlor/ store outlet burning down; e. Risk of rioting, hooliganism and other disruptive activities; f. Risk of employees going on strike or industrial action; g. Risk of bad service because employees are insufficiently trained; h. Risk of its formulas and recipes being compromised; i. Risk of contaminated supplies of inputs; j. Risk of contamination or exposure in the delivery process. Steps That Can Be Taken to Mitigate These Risks The risk of long power failure though unheard of is possible in case of a natural calamity like a tornado, blizzard, thunderstorm or flood striking Columbus, Ohio. Riots and strikes are also covered. Even emergency systems could be affected and businesses forced to shut down for some time. In this case keeping the inventory and supplies safe, secure and ready for consumption will be a challenge. However the business has determined its usual stock of inventory and consumption on weekdays, weekends and public holidays and has accordingly ensured each store on the average level of stocking and consumption. The backup system at the stores ensures that power is available for three days or 72 hours but after that something will have to be done to preserve the merchandise. Insurance has been taken out for possible inventory losses and also a contract has been entered into with a cold storage plant so that supplies and goods can be stored there in an emergency, ensuring business continuity. Quality control is strictly ensured as all inputs are checked before inclusion in the production process. In case there are signs of low quality, the entire lot is returned and replaced according to the contract with suppliers. The business has also hired local legal and advertising agencies to promote its products via various media including television, billboard and internet based advertising. The legal firm is also responsible for vetting all press releases and protecting against copyright and trademark infringements. It is
Business information management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Business information management - Essay Example SWOT analysis is a marketing technique used by organizations to understand its external and internal environments. SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The first two is related to the internal environment of an organization while the other two is concerned with its external environment (Stone & Jacobs 2001, p. 35). The quality and impact of information systems with regard to its benefits to both the company and its customers can be looked at according to four perspectives (Symons, 1991, p. 181). These four perspectives are determinist, mechanic, systems, and inter-actionist. In a deterministic perspective, the hardware and software is seen simply as a technological advantage that can speed up routine tasks. This implies that systems were solely used by employees to work faster by automating the different tasks within an organization. There is bound to be widespread fear that it will bring about large scale unemployment through automation of jobs. The mechanistic perspective views an IT/IS system as a set of machines that will make its operations more efficient. It will bring about reliability and accuracy to different levels of operations and tasks. The next perspective views the modern outlook that organizations are dynamic systems made up of people. Hence an IT/IS system should reflect the proved clichà © that the ‘whole is greater than the sum of its parts’. Such a system will more than justify an investment in hardware and software in terms of efficiency and benefit to both the company and its customers. The final inter-actionist perspective reflects the current view of the efficacy of an efficient IT/IS system. It takes into account the concept of human computer interaction (HCI). (Hassan 2008, p. 230). This should ensure that an IT/IS system should be interactive with active participation of all the stakeholders which includes customers. Such a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
UDF (United Dairy Farmers) Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
UDF (United Dairy Farmers) Analysis - Assignment Example This ice-cream has been known for its heavy use of fresh condiments and low overrun. In 1984, the UDF Homemade Brand of ‘Cookies N Cream’ was designated by People Magazine as the Number One Brand of Exotic Ice Cream across Canada and the USA. Following this endorsement, UDF Brand ice creams have increased in popularity and can be found in many states in the mid-central region of the USA. The business has expanded to Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia and Virginia. UDF also produces and sells Frosty Malts and Sherbets, Special Recipe ice-creams, yogurts and milk shakes (UDF Website, History Section). Identification of Risks The making and selling of ice-creams is an exciting business but is nevertheless fraught with different types of risks. Some of these are natural but others are manmade. Consequently, some of the risks can be covered by insurance a nd other safety and security procedures while others just have to be borne or dealt with. In my interview with the manager, I determined that the following risks were most relevant to UDF’s ice-cream related business: a. Risk of long power failure and melting of inventory; b. Risk of legal action due to foreign objects found in products; c. Risk of contamination of ice cream due to chemical agents; d. Risk of ice cream parlor/ store outlet burning down; e. Risk of rioting, hooliganism and other disruptive activities; f. Risk of employees going on strike or industrial action; g. Risk of bad service because employees are insufficiently trained; h. Risk of its formulas and recipes being compromised; i. Risk of contaminated supplies of inputs; j. Risk of contamination or exposure in the delivery process. Steps That Can Be Taken to Mitigate These Risks The risk of long power failure though unheard of is possible in case of a natural calamity like a tornado, blizzard, thunderstorm or flood striking Columbus, Ohio. Riots and strikes are also covered. Even emergency systems could be affected and businesses forced to shut down for some time. In this case keeping the inventory and supplies safe, secure and ready for consumption will be a challenge. However the business has determined its usual stock of inventory and consumption on weekdays, weekends and public holidays and has accordingly ensured each store on the average level of stocking and consumption. The backup system at the stores ensures that power is available for three days or 72 hours but after that something will have to be done to preserve the merchandise. Insurance has been taken out for possible inventory losses and also a contract has been entered into with a cold storage plant so that supplies and goods can be stored there in an emergency, ensuring business continuity. Quality control is strictly ensured as all inputs are checked before inclusion in the production process. In case there are signs of low quality, the entire lot is returned and replaced according to the contract with suppliers. The business has also hired local legal and advertising agencies to promote its products via various media including television, billboard and internet based advertising. The legal firm is also responsible for vetting all press releases and protecting against copyright and trademark infringements. It is
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
IS TAX-SUPPORTED HIGHER EDUCATION JUSTIFIED - Term Paper Example This paper seeks to establish arguments and reasons why tax-supported higher education is justified based on Immanuel Kant’s principle. Immanuel Kant: On Good Will, Moral Worth and Duty According to this philosopher, the term â€Å"good will†is characterized by the ideas of â€Å"person with good will.†To understand this, it is better to take a deeper analysis on what makes a person good (Johnson, 2008). Kant states that a person is good because of his possession of a good will, in a way, that his decisions are determined by on the basis of the moral law. In addition, he believes that anyone would say that his actions are morally clean and and considered it as reasons for guiding his behaviors. Further, he points out that a good will is a will whose decisions are determined entirely by what he called as the Moral Law. There must be no circumstance in which moral goodness would be regarded as worth forfeiting just to exchange it for something desirable. Say for example, desirable qualities like courage or cleverness would be demeaned and sacrificed as to lay it aside if injustice requires, or, will be discarded if cruelty demands, thus, making good will not be good at all. Further, he explains that duty, has moral worth if the actions are not derived with motivations, in particular, self-interest, self-preservation, sympathy and happiness. However, it may be dutiful but does not express a good will. For instance, the government has the main duty, according the law of the land--the Constitution to serve and protect its constituents, and abide to the norms and standards, for the welfare of all. Also, duty performed out of motivations like love and friendship is a duty of good will. Furthermore, if a duty is done in the respect for moral law, then it is a motivation of respect. For instance, Maria in her being a member of an organization, by which rules and regulations are strictly implemented, would follow the said policies because it is her duty. To that effect, Maria thinks that she is respecting laws pertaining to her. The Categorical and Hypothetical Imperatives Kant formulated the Categorical Imperative in which he explains, â€Å"ought never to act except in such a way that I could also will that my maxim should become a universal law.†According to him, this motivates a good will. It is imperative because it is a command. For example, â€Å"Take me away from him.†This shows that Categorical Imperative, exactly, commands us to act on our wills. It is not conditional and does not have willed ends. Unlike Hypothetical Imperative, it requires a certain degree of condition. Hence, it is imperative but to the extent that in doing a particular action or duty, there is an underlying motivation such as condition. Hypothetical imperative is one that requires an exercise of wills, only, to certain degree of condition--a command of unconditional form. For example, â€Å"If you want to pass from this subject, then buy me a pair of shoes.†This shows a conditional imperative. The Formula of the Universal Law of Nature As stated above, categorical imperative denotes that an act done in accordance to this maxim can and will become a universal law. Suppose, in a democratic country, the legislator made a law prohibiting all constituents from getting an education. Such law is invalid because it simply violates the principle of freedom
Monday, October 14, 2019
African American Literatury Essay Example for Free
African American Literatury Essay African-American literature can be defined as writings by people of African descent living in the United States of America. The African-American literary tradition began with the oral culture long before any of the materials in it were written on. Throughout their American history, African-Americans have used the oral culture as a natural part of black expressive culture. They are very powerful voices that give fuller meanings to words on a page. The America South is an important landscape in African-American literature. The South was a primary port of entry for slaving vessels. Most black slaves remained in the Southern states. The South was an important place for the African-American literature because the South was served as the site of hope and change for the black slaves but there were also horrors. The majority of African captives entered the New World from the Southern ports and remained in the Southern states. They relied heavily on the African cultural heritage and belief systems familiar to them. During their 300 years of slavery and servitude, black slaves and their descendants developed a complex relationship with the South. Amiri Baraka concluded that the South is a part of the scene of the crime, a land that is about the site of hope and the scene of the crime. For many African Americans, the South serves as the site of hope and change. The South has given birth to many African-American cultural practices, such as literature. This is the spiritual and ancestral home for African Americans and plays a dominant role in African-American literature. Before the American Civil War, African-American literature primarily focused on the issue of slavery, as indicated by the subgenre of slave narratives The most noted authors were all incited and inspired by the goings on in the south. Frederick Douglass was one of the most important African-American authors from the literary landscape in the South. He chronicled his life from bondage to freedom in his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself (1845), which helped the American public to know the truth about the institution of slavery and dismiss the myth that slaves were happy and treated well. He said, the South was not only a notorious site of slavery, it was also a landscape of racial terror and widespread violence. The biggest crime the South ever committed is the institution and perpetuation of slavery. But the Southern landscape is more than just the â€Å"scene of the crime†in African-American literature. It has multiple personalities that demand multiple treatments. Many 20th-century African-American writers, whether born and raised in the South or not, have used the southern landscape in their works to explore the complex relationships African-American communities have with the South. In her poem â€Å"Southern Song,†Margaret Walker (1915 – 1998) sings a praise song to the southern suns and southern land despite the â€Å"mobs†and â€Å"a nightmare full of oil and flame. Southern Song I want my body bathed again by southern suns, my soul reclaimed again from southern land. I want to rest again in southern fields, in grass and hay and clover bloom; to lay my hand again upon the clay baked by a southern sun, to touch the rain-soaked earth and smell the smell of soil. I want my rest unbroken in the fields of southern earth; freedom to watch the corn wave silver in the sun and mark the splashing of a brook, a pond with ducks and frogs and count the clouds. I want no mobs to wrench me from my southern rest; no forms to take me in the night and burn my shack and make for me a nightmare full of oil and flame. I want my careless song to strike no minor key; no fiend to stand between my bodys soutnern songthe fusion of the South, my bodys song and me. Margaret Walker’s poem characterizes the complex literary representations of the South in a great deal of African-American literature, for the speaker at once basks in the beauty of her homeland (â€Å"I want my body bathed again by southern suns†). Yet at the same time experiences a homecoming complicated by the threat of Southern violence (â€Å"I want no mobs to wrench me from my southern rest†). The theme of the southern home and its layered history is a prevalent one throughout the tradition of African-American literature. In conclusion, 90 percent of African-Americans lived in the South, it is no wonder that this landscape has taken on a great deal of cultural and historical significance. Literature from the South is complex and often absurd, as the region emerges repeatedly as a site of home.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Problems with Cheap Food
Problems with Cheap Food Casey Vorfa Food fight: Worldviews on food production and consumption Cheap Food Is Simply Unaffordable During the past few decades, the Food industrys productivity levels have skyrocketed and our food system is now able to produce large quantities of food in very short time spans. Furthermore, these products are sold at extremely low prices in order to attract consumers. At first glance this seems like an ideal food system but unfortunately things arent as they seem. Producing unlimited amounts of cheap, processed food actually costs a lot of energy and has harmful effects on the environment, animals and our own health . Therefore, finding new sustainable ways of producing food remains crucial. First of all it is important to understand how the food industry manages to sell its products at such an irresistible price. The reason is simple. All large food companies have one single goal : maximizing their profit. In order to do so, they want to make sure that they produce and sell as much as possible in a very short period of time. In order to increase their yield companies use advanced technology and an alarming amounts of resources such as pesticides, herbicides, fossil fuel and corn. In particular corn is of great importance, it is used as a preserving agent and also as food to cattle. More than 12 billion b.u of corn are produced annually(1). Furthermore, with fossil fuel levels running low, corn is turned into ethanol and later used as fuel. The food companies can sell us their products at such cheap prices because the corn that they buy and use doesnt cost them a thing. The price of corn is being maintained at low levels in an artificial way. Over the past decade the US Federal Government has spent more than 50 billion dollars into the corn industry(2). This is the why unprocessed organic foods are so much more expensive. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a dollar could buy 1200 calories of potato chips or 875 calories of soda but just 250 calories of vegetables or 170 calories of fresh fruit (3). In a few words, the large food companies have been receiving financial support by the government. No wonder unprocessed foods are much more expensive and unaffordable. They havent been receiving any royal treatment. One of the main flaws of our food production system is that it is very energy-intense. The food industry is heavily dependent on the use of oil and fossil fuels. In order to increase their output food industries use diesel powered tractors, irrigation pumps, pesticides and herbicides made of natural gas and petroleum. In fact, in the U.S about 10 percent of the energy budget goes to producing, distributing, processing, preparing and preserving the plant and animal matter we consume (4). However, the amount of food that is produced is much smaller than the amount of energy used to produce it. For instance, the U.S expends roughly ten units of fossil energy to produce one unit of food energy (5). Thus, if companies are already producing large amounts of food an unimaginable amount of energy is used to make it. It seems that the large food companies are ignoring the energy crisis we are in. For decades industries have been exploiting Earth’s natural resources as if these resource s were to last forever and the food industry has been no exception. Considering the fact that the global population is increasing and that we are running out of fossil fuels we will no longer be able to satisfy the increasing demand.The demand for meat and poultry is expected to increase by 25 percent by 2015 (6). In addition, the price of oil and other fossil fuels will also increase. Hence, the current food production system is unsustainable and will eventually collapse. Not only is our current food system very energy demanding but it also damages our ecosystems and harms animals. As one of the main energy consumers the food industry is also one of the major water, air and soil polluters. Burning fossil fuels create greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. Intensive farming requires large amounts of chemical fertilizers. In American farms more than 10 million tons of fertilizers are being used for corn alone. 23 million for all crops (7). All these chemicals end up in rivers, lakes or in seas contributing to water pollution, soil contamination and in what we call dead zones .Dead Zones are areas of approximately 6000 -sq-mi area which contain no oxygen, killing all forms of sea life. There are nearly 400 dead zones and these dead zones cause the fishing industry to lose 212 000 tons of seafood a year (8). But our food system does not only pollute our land by releasing chemicals. Our ecosystem is also affected by the large amount of manure our system releases. One pig can produce four times more waste than humans (9). Considering the number of pigs and other livestock we can definitely say that a tremendous amount of waste is produced. All of this waste is thrown into giant pits called lagoons. These lagoons contain so much waste that they become toxic and they are one of the main causes of pollution in the United States (10). They also pollute the land with heavy metals like cadmium, selenium, zinc, copper and arsenic(11). Furthermore, industrial agriculture also contributes in soil erosion and the loss of biodiversity. Monoculture crops are vast spaces of land where only one type of plant grows. These crops create an ecological vacuum that insects take advantage which reduces the quality of soil (12). These crops also reduce biodiversity which damages the food chain. But the degradation of animal life doesnt end there. Because the food industry wants to make us much profit as possible thousands of animals are cramm ed together in small contracted areas where they never get to see sunlight. Apparently, for large companies animal welfare and our environment are much less important than making profit. Most importantly cheap food has also affected consumers health in a variety of negative ways . Processed foods are low in nutrients, high in salt, sugar and fat. Moreover, three-fourth of the world food sales involve processed foods which means cheap food has reached almost every country. Different studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between consuming cheap foods and the chances of developing different types of diseases. Since the late 1970s, obesity rates have more than doubled among children 6 to 11 of age and more than tripled among those 12 to 19 of age (13). Products like SSBs (sugar sweetened beverages) are major contributors to childhood obesity, as well as to long term weight gain, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (14). Furthermore, the chemicals and hormones that are added in our food also cause health issues. Danish Scientists have proven that hormone residues in beef are linked to high rates of breast and prostate cancer, as well as early onset puberty in girls(15). Moreover, all the waste and pollution that is caused by our food production system doesnt only affect animals but it affects our health as well. For instance, livestock manure pollutes the air with hydrogen sulphide which is linked to respiratory and neurological diseases (16). Hence, cheap food comes with very high costs to our health. Our current food system has many drawbacks, therefore it is important that we find new sustainable ways of producing food. First of all we posses technology that could decrease pollution and spare resources. Anaerobic digesters and micro turbines can convert manure into renewable, low-carbon biogas-fired electricity. Carbon dioxide could be used to grow algae for food and algae could easily be converted into bio-fuels. In addition, drip irrigation seems promising. Drip irrigation consists of underground tubes that deliver water directly to a plants roots. Researchers at Iowa State University estimate that corn farmers would use 40 percent less water and lower their energy bills by 15 percent with drip irrigation (17). No-till agriculture is yet an other promising option. This method involves planting seeds without turning the soil which reduces soil disturbance. Argentina already uses this advanced technique for more than half of its farms. Even though these methods are very helpful there is a lot more to be done. For the past decades large food companies have driven farmers off the land. In fact, nine out of ten hog farmers have left the business since 1979 (18). With unemployment levels getting higher by the day returning to the old way of farming might be a solution. Although it may seem that local farmers dont stand a chance towards the large food companies that is not necessarily true. If we support local farmers and the local food movement we are playing our part into stopping the food industrys harmful practices. Furthermore, companies like Niman Ranch have created networks of small scale farmers who only sale natural meat to restaurants (19). Other companies like Bon Appetit encourage their costumers to make environmental friendly choices. Our behavior as consumers also has a large impact on the energy ratio. Even though we might not realize it, our every day choices do have an influence on the amount of energy that is being used. Our diets one of them. If we eat meat every single day the amount of fossil fuels used is a lot greater than if we ate grain everyday. Meat is four times as energy demanding as grains are. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we should eat grains everyday but reducing our meat consumption and eating more foods that are less energy demanding does have a large impact. Restaurant owners might decide to sell in smaller proportions and keep the leftovers. Moreover, maybe we should think twice before going to eat at buffets. As consumers we should also think about not wasting our own food and not buying more than we need. The USDA estimates that Americans throw out 14 percent of the food that they buy which results in the waste of large amounts of resources (20). Thus our decisions as consumers can have large impacts on the food system. In conclusion, our society simply cannot afford cheap food. Our current food production system is not only highly inefficient but also harms our planet, animals and our own health. Fortunately for us it is not too late to change things. The use of modern technology to manage waste, supporting local farmers and Eco-friendly products are only some of the few ways to create a new sustainable way of producing food. References (1),(2),(3), (6),(7),(8),(19),(20) : Walsh, Bryan, Getting Real About High Price of Cheap Food , Time in Partnership with CNN, August 21, 2009 (4),(5)(9),(16)(17) : Webber, Michael E., More Food Less Energy, Scientific American, January 2012 (10),(11) (15),(16)(18) : Schloser, Eric â€Å" Cheap Food Nation Siera, November/December 2006 : Kaplan, David, Food Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy : Nestle, Marion Food Marketing and Childhood Obesity The New England Journal of Medicine, Boston, June 15 2006. : Stuckler, David and Nestle Marion, Big Food, Food Systems and Global Health Plos Medicine, Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2012
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Business and Morals in Literature Essays -- Literary Analysis
History is nothing more than a record of people committing or overcoming injustices. As former United States attorney general, Robert Francis Kennedy, explains â€Å"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.†In The Grapes of Wrath, John Stein beck illustrates the consequences that arise when people forget their obligation to one another. The Grapes of Wrath is a novel that tells of a families struggling to survive during the 1930 dust bowl in America. The novel focuses on the Joad family’s journey to California in search of work. On their search, they encounter fellow migrant workers who have fallen victim to big business and an uncontrollable capitalist agenda. Steinbeck explains â€Å"[the banks] breathe profits; they eat the interest on money. If they don't get it, they die the way you die without air, without side-meat.†(Steinbeck 5) Bank owners, businessmen, and landowners monopolized industry, abandoning majority of America homeless, hungry for food and opportunity. Famine and a weak market tore humble families apart while a handful of men ruthlessly profited from their misery. As the Joad’s journey continues, Steinbeck clarifies the fatal flaw the owners possess â€Å"For the quality of owning freezes you forever into â€Å"I†, and cuts off forever from the â€Å"we†.†(Steinbeck 206) Capitalism itself is not morally wrong. The competitive spirit is an innate quality found in everyone. Without it, our will to survive would be nonexistent. However, there is a clear distinction between ambition and greed. The time when people disregard their moral responsi... ...they begin to perceive the terrible justice of reality, and to accept it.†(LeGuin) Modern day societies, like Omelas, avoid taking action because it is â€Å"reality†. The migrant worker settled for pennies because it was their reality, replacing humans with technology was reality; the principles of business override morals because that was reality. Works Cited King, Martin Luther. â€Å"A Letter From Birmingham Jail†. Cohen, Samuel S. 50 Essays: a Portable Anthology. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2011. Print. LeGuin, Ursula K. "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas." Harel's Corner. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. . Plato. â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave†. Cohen, Samuel S. 50 Essays: a Portable Anthology. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2011. Print. Steinbeck, John, and Robert J. DeMott. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin, 1992. Print.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Korea & Art Essay
Korea is back then was heavily influenced by China particularly with China’s introduction of Buddhism to Korea. This had a very deep political, cultural and religious influence in the country. Art in Korea from the 1st to the 3rd century A. D. was mostly ceramics and sculpture. This was due to the introduction of the Potter’s wheel to the country. This was during the same time that iron technology was introduced to the country as well. Containers shaped like birds that have been discovered were dated back to this period and were said to represent Korean beliefs regarding the afterlife. These were apparently made for aesthetic, rather than for utilitarian purposes. Its manner of creation which was of soft and low-fired clay was very different from those which ere made for practical uses. This soft and low-fired clay wares were called the wajil t’ogi. This was later replaced during the 3rd century by the hard and high-fired stoneware called the kyongjil t’ogi. During the 4th century, Korea had already been divided into three kingdoms: Koguryo in the north, Paekche in the southwest, and Silla in the southeast. There was another 4th political entity called the Kaya Federaltion. It is made up of only small city states located in between Silla and Paekche. Prior to this century, the Chinese had already introduced a system of writing to Korea. During this century, this system of writing was adapted into the Korean Language and was referred to as the idu. Landscape painting was also a form of art in ancient Korea. The earliest one to have been found was dated to the 5th century A. D. and was found in a Koguryo tomb. It was a wall painting that depicted a group of hunters that were riding their horses as they were hunting. Its landscape setting was a simple drawing of a mountain. Another mural was later discovered inside Muyong- ch’ong (the Tomb of Dancers). It was an early example of Korean portrait and genre painting that had more focus on realism. A small gold and bronze sculpture of a seated Buddha was also found in Korea which dated back to the 5th century in the territory of the Paekche kingdom. It was one of the first proofs of the Buddhist influence in Korea.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Artemis Fowl Book Report
He had devised a plan that would restore his family's fortune, a plan that could people civilizations and plunge the planet into a cross species war. Was at Ho Chi Mini City waiting for our contact Guan Unguent accompanied by Butler. As we waited Guan walked up to us dressed as a waiter. Obvious. Handmade loafers, a silk shirt, three gold signet rings. Pathetic really. Only to check for weapons. Who does he think I am? I told him that I was unarmed but for fun I told him about Butler. How he had tons of weapons and how he could kill him even without them. It was hilarious.He looked as if he were going to cry. Finally he told us to look at a picture he had. It was a wrinkly green hand. Guan then told us that she is a healer that works in exchange for rice wine. She was always drunk. He led us to a fire escape in Tu Do Street. I asked Butler for the night vision goggles. Inside I saw the green old hag. She asked for wine. Butler gave her the Irish whiskey. It was the same wrinkly green hand. I told Butler to give Guan the money. Finally things were going according to plan. She asked me if had anything that needed healing. I told her only wanted her book.She threatened to kill me. I told her that I would save her if she gave me the book. She gave me a questioning look. Perhaps the affects of the holy water hadn't darted yet. Told her about it and she said I murdered her. Then she started listening to what I had to say. Told her that we had two vials: #1 a vial of spring water from the fairy well sixty meters below Tara, Ireland the most magical place on the Earth, it would counteract the holy water and #2 a booster with a virus that feeds on alcohol which will flush every drop of rice wine out of her body.She asked me how could I trust you. That was a good question. Sometimes I can't even trust myself. I had to say something so I told her that I would give her the first vial on faith and the second one after am even the book for at least 30 minutes. Butler gave he r the first shot with the syringe gun then she gave me the book. I took my camera and took a picture of every page of the characters then gave it back and Butler injected the second vial, we left immediately. A century's worth of alcohol leaving the body isn't a pretty sight. When we got home I checked on mum.Sleeping like a baby. If she had recovered I would have to cancel everything and go to school. I went to my room uploading the files into my computer. It was a mixture of symbols and characters they were all around the page in no regular order. I printed all the ages and tacked them to the wall. First I needed a central point language so I started with English, Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Cyrillic, and even Gingham texts. There was still nothing. Was frustrated; none of the characters had a match. I thought hard and remembered the only base language didn't try: Egyptian. Finally a hit.The computer didn't show anything so I would have to get every Gnomish figure and compare it with the hieroglyphics. At midnight when I was done I fed my findings into the Macintosh. I pressed decode. Papers of meaningless gibberish came flowing out. Now all I had to do was find out the order it was written in. The Arabic right to left, no, the Chinese columns, no. Nothing worked. Then I noticed a tiny dot in the middle Of each page with arrows around it Then I knew that it was read in spirals. I typed spiral on the read menu and the letters came out in lines, finally. This was it.The Book of the People. Being Instructions to our Magic's And Life Rules. Carry me always, carry me well. Am thy teacher of herb and spell am thy link to power arcane. Forget me and thy magic will wane. Ten times ten commandments there be. They will answer every mystery. Cures, curses, alchemy. These secrets shall be thin, through me. But fairy remember this above all. Am not for those in mud that crawl. And forever doomed shall be the one, who betrays my secrets one by one†¦ Finally the book was translated and read. Now it was time for the thing I do best; plot dastardly acts.After a few hours I called Butler and Juliet(Butler's sister) into the room. I told them that according to the book, all we have to do is stakeout at an ancient tree at a full moon at a river bend. Juliet questioned me about fairies and how they weren't real, that got me thinking that all this work could be for nothing, but again the book proved quite promising. I told Juliet to get a cage into the cellar. We had over 100 places to try, it wouldn't be as easy as I thought. Four months of searching, not a hit. After 1 hour of waiting the proximity alarms flashed red someone was here. Hacked the scope and saw a figure bending down beside a tree. It was a possible fairy picking up a seat. In the bushes I saw Butler hold the dart pistol with the red dot pointed at her neck. Butler pulled the trigger, but out of a million odds she ducked again. Now she noticed she was under fire, we would have to do this ma nually. Butler was already ahead of the game and started to taunt the fairy. New that it was my turn so I started to scare the fairy. Butler stood behind her preparing a second tranquilizer dart while stalled her. Finally Butler shot her in the back and took her helmet.I couldn't believe how human the fairy looked. When We got TO Fowl Manor I examined the helmet and found a small tracking device. Of course they be following us now. Or they be following the tracker at least. I told Butler to get the car. It's time for road trip number 2. When we got too the dock I told Butler we needed a diversion. Butler nodded then I went to the nearest whaler and dumped the tracker inside. I put a mob there also to whoever was tracking it down. When got back to the car Butler was still fighting some men. Felt sorry for them. Even I don't want to pick a fight with him.After he finished he came to the car and we drove back to Fowl Manor. Went to our prisoner in a cage in the basement. It was time to taunt her once again. Told her, her name: Holly Short, rank: Captain and the rules in the house. Finally she asked how knew these things. I was surprised. It seemed like she didn't know she had a name tag on her. Told her I was aiming for gold. She again asked how do we know everything. Knew that couldn't tell err had the book so I told her we gave her a truth serum and she told us everything. She went to a corner thinking how had she had betrayed her people. Aft and went to Butler who was monitoring the cameras. Nothing yet. I told Butler to try the avenue and freeze the picture. He did and five black figures appeared on the screen. I handed him a bigger helmet that had several filters that allowed him to see shielded fairies. Butler went outside to take care of them. Before he left I told him to get the head to talk with better scared than dead. After a few minutes Butler came back with a handful of technology and left or preparation for my special visitor. They'd put a time stop on Fowl Manor.Seconds later the clock stopped and an unshielded figure stepped onto the lawn. The game was just beginning. Came to the front door and allowed him to come in. Told him that in return for the captain that I wanted a ton often-carat gold. He told me that he was going to kill us all with a bomb that I already knew of. I told him I could escape it. He was bewildered. He told me that nobody could escape the bio bomb, and then he left. After he left I went straight to the surveillance room and I noticed that Butler wasn't going around doing his rounds. Diode butler and asked him what was he doing.
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